#clone angst on main



title: your bones are puzzle pieces

rating: M (serious themes and swearing)

status: complete (5 chapters)

summary: he doesn’t feel like Shiro, but when he goes to the Black Lion for answers, the truth only raises more questions about who he is, where he fits into the team - and what happened to the original Shiro.

notes: this is the story of Clone Theory from Kuron’s point of view. featuring clone angst, of course - and the reactions of the rest of the team to finding out the Shiro they got back is not the same one they lost.

{read it on AO3 here}

He’s Shiro. He’s definitely Shiro. But the fact that he has to keep telling himself that is starting to worry him.

He shakes his head and rolls his shoulders, trying to resettle the armour that doesn’t quite seem to fit right these days. It always feels tight across the chest and back, for some reason. As if it was made to fit someone else. He flexes his hands, picks a spot on the floor to aim for, and does a walkover.

Tries to.

He lands off-balance and falls backwards onto the mat. The impact knocks the breath out of his lungs, and he groans at the pain that ripples away through his body. He stares at the ceiling, and the ceiling stares back.

This is fucking ridiculous.

You can’t forget how to do a walkover. That doesn’t make any fucking sense!
