#cloth rabbit


Honey Bunny’s family first contacted me in 2017.  They knew she was getting a bit worn, and were wondering about treatment options.  Here she is back then:

Not too bad… I offered stitching wounds and minimizing scars, with or without a spa.  Then they asked about recovering the pink and I said sure, proposed a treatment plan, and asked if they wanted to send a fabric of their choice or choose from what I had.  They opted to choose and send a fabric with her. 

Fast forward three years to May 28, 2020…. :-)

Honey Bunny’s family wrote again, they had a fabric and were ready for her come to the hospital:

Ok.  I’ll set up a bed for her.  Three days later…

A new fabric selection:

(actually, I think that was a better match to what she had) and she was on her way!

Honey Bunny had a spa too:

Then recovering commenced.  She was keeping her original cuffs and lace, but we were relining her inner ears since they matched her clothes.  Her new stuffing went in with her heart of original stuffing:

And then it was time to get her chubbiness right.  First take, not too chubby, more squishy:

Can we “make her full, like a pillow”? her family asked?  Sure, I said, how’s this:

Btw, here are her ears lined:

One more adjustment.. a bit tauter… so I tightened her front gathers and added some denser stuffing (yes, stuffing comes in different densities):

And she was finally ready to fly home! Here she is with Daisy (Clothed Bunny 1), just before they caught their flights.

Honey Bunny’s family wrote: “ Thank you for all your work, she looks great! “

And here ends the story of the 3 clothed bunnies.  They all lived happily ever after. :-)

The second in the trio of cloth bodied bunnies is Rosey (who was actually the last to arrive at the hospital).  Rosey’s body wasn’t original.  It had been replaced in the past (years ago) but now she needed another makeover.  As you know, I don’t usually remove existing parts, so we (her family and I) agreed to recover her this time (after a quick spa to clean her up).

Here’s Rosey’s diagnosis photos:


She started with a spa, just like Daisy:


But then her people needed to choose a fabric.  The yellow wasn’t original, and they weren’t sure what was, so I sent a wide selection of patterned options in a similar texture for them to choose from:


They chose the blue calico at the top of the center photo, and recovering commenced.  Once her clothes were set, a question arose.  Should we recover her pawpads or leave them as a memory of her last wardrobe:


The decision was recovering and that was next.  Then she got her heart (old stuffing, new fabric):


And finally, she was closed up, plump and happy and ready to fly home:


She flew home to her family’s happy arms!

Next, the final installment of the Three Bunnies: Honey Bunny!
