

I had to make this… No hate to BTS I actually love them :D but Penny is always Top.

Holy crap I finally finished. Apparently I’m making this a series but Penny is the star of this one. How do we feel about messy-haired Pennywise? I only worked on his hair for like three hours on and off LOL. I felt like a lot of details got lost in the plain white background so I spent way too much time coloring it in.

I’m truly so happy with this, yes there are minor details that I didn’t polish perfectly but honestly I’m done lol. I need to be done with this drawing LOL. I’m shocked at how beautifully he came out…. I hope you all enjoy. Oh and on a final note….fk those ruffles.


The most realistic I’ve ever drawn baby. Super proud. From the sewer scene with Beverly. I always thought he looked so beautiful after she told him she wasn’t afraid. After that sniff and head shake. Angry and fierce, but still gorgeous lol. I can’t with those little bunny teeth!!!!
