#cn blood



Tobiizu week


Day6: Honor

Die…. with honor?

Idk this topic is so hard


Tobiizu Week Day 5

Tobiizu Week Day 5: Susanoo/Hirashin@tobiizuweek

Izuna protecting an injured Tobirama while surrounding them in his Susanoo

Thanks to @phlebasphoenician for their idea for the colour scheme of Izuna’s Susanoo! Fiery Susanoo for Izuna


Tobiizu Week Day 4 and 6

Tobiizu Week Day 4 and 6: Red String of Fate and Oath @tobiizuweek

“Tied together by fate, yet… not even fate can break the oath they each swore to their family. Perhaps in another life”

Tobirama ends up killing Izuna even though they both know they’re tied together by the red string of fate. They place their oath to keep their families and clan safe to be more important than their ties to each other.
