

Palm Springs, Calif. —
Jennifer Town: Executive Chef
Text and Photography by Jorge Perezchica


Purple Room Restaurant & Stage in Palm Springs reopened Thursday, August 28—ushering a new Chef, new Menu, new Crafted Cocktails and new Shows—a tall order indeed. But Jennifer Town, the new Executive Chef, is more than up to the challenge and primed for success. “I expect people to be happy with the food,” says Jennifer Town, a graduate of the prestigious New England Culinary Institute; who also studied in Italy at Ristorante La Torre in Casale Monferrato where she learned the nuances of preparing fresh pastas, risotto and other delicacies of Northern Italian cuisine. I met Jennifer at the Purple Room Restaurant & Stage to talk about the delectable, new menu and more.

The Coachella Magazine Interview:
What is your impression of the Coachella Valley?
Jennifer Town: I love the Coachella Valley, I think it’s a great community, beautiful mountain views.

What is the main difference between your previous jobs and this one at the Purple Room Restaurant?
JT: I do a lot more cooking here. It’s 3 cooks and me—it’s very hands on, cooking all the time with a small group. At the Ace Hotel we had 30 cooks and me, the Ritz-Carlton had 60 cooks.

Are you also responsible for how the food is visually presented?
JT: Yes. You eat with your eyes first—so if the food looks beautiful, you expect it to taste real good.

How long did it take to prepare the new menu at Purple Room Restaurant?
JT: 2 weeks.

What do you cook for yourself when your at home?
JT: At home, I cook a lot of pasta—Risotto, an Italian rice dish.

Did you have a mentor growing up?
JT: The values I learned from my mom and dad.

When did you get into cooking?
JT: I found the path of really learning to cook at 15. I was with my parent’s friends for 3 months out of the summer, they had a fabulous cook—and that’s when I really got into cooking. When I went to USC college, I got my first apartment and started cooking all the time.

What advice do you have for someone who’s interested in becoming a chef?
JT: Make sure you really enjoy cooking. Having a passion for food.

Do you travel much to learn more about food and cooking?
JT: Traveling is good to learn about different foods and different ingredients. When I go out to eat, it’s about half education and half pleasure.

Where do you get your ingredients?
JT: In California, you have really great produce—we try local as much as we can. We think highly about eating healthy—make sure we are treating the environment correctly.

What was your main goal with the new menu?
JT: Put a fresh twist.

What was the response to the new menu when the Purple Room Restaurant & Stage reopened?
JT: Everyone really liked the food. Lots of positive feedback.

What is one of your favorite dishes on the new menu?
JT: Purple Pear Salad,
Braised Short Ribs in Trio House blend wine,
Halibut with red pepper, olive and fennel relish.


For more information about Purple Room Restaurant & Stage visit:

Cathedral City, Calif. —
The Illustrated World of Sofia Enriquez
Text and Photography by Jorge Perezchica


Artist/illustrator Sofia Enriquez (22) was born in Indio, California, and raised in the Coachella Valley. Sofia recently graduated from Otis Parsons in May 2014 and returned to the valley after struggling to find work in Los Angeles. Since then, her art career has taken a sharp turn for the better—displaying work at the CoachellaI Valley Art Scene and the Marks Art Center at the College of the Desert. But the journey has not been an easy one.

I was first drawn towards Sofia’s art when I attended the opening reception for a show titled “Swap. Some. Spit.” at the Coachella Valley Art Scene gallery this past summer. Sofia’s expressive mural covered 60 ft of the gallery space wall, which was illustrated in black and white paint—teeming with paisley motifs, tear drops, porcelain-doll faces, squiggly lines, a skull-faced cupid, peculiar words and numbers and more. It was as if a daydream had been painted onto the walls and I felt my mind swirling away and falling into this world— this curious narrative Sofia Enriquez had created. I sensed both feminine and masculine sensibilities intertwined in her work and grew even more curious the closer I scanned the wall from one end to the other.

About 2 months after the show, I sat down to chat with Sofia Enriquez in Cathedral City, where she tells me that in high school she did not excel in much except art—all the while, I found that hard to believe—because in person, Sofia leaves an indelible impression as someone smart, independent, beautiful and talented—and capable of so much more.

The Coachella Magazine Interview:
Has anything changed in the Coachella Valley since graduating from college and returning?
Sofia Enriquez: It’s exactly the same.

What do you feel is needed in the Coachella Valley?
SE: As far as art goes, I don’t feel there is enough art programs. Just because we’re a desert people think it’s empty—but it’s not.

The mural at the Coachella Valley Art Scene gallery—how many days did it take to paint?
SE: I spent three days working on the mural. Two walls. First day, I did the small wall. I spent 6 hours just thinking about it—I had no idea what I was going to do. I brought my favorite books: Communication Arts magazines, 19th Century Fashion book, Paisley Design book and Google searched images—I really like old photographs. I looked back at a lot of old stuff I already did. It just came out randomly.

Is there any hidden messages or meaning?
SE: There’s a lot of hidden shit in there.

I notice a lot of paisley design in your work—what about the paisley motif inspires you?
SE: It appeals to a lot of cultures: Indian, Mexican and American.

Do you know where the paisley motif originated?
SE: I read in a book that the shape originated when cavemen started tracing the shape of their hand on the wall.


What went through your mind while you painted the mural?
SE: I listen to music while I’m painting. It puts me in the mood. I was going through a really hard time. I just graduated from school and had to think, “What am I going to do with my life?” And…on the second day, I cut my hair off—getting rid of tension. I was just going through a lot of shit with my family, my friends. I was poor—I had no money. 

Did you work or receive any scholarships while attending college?
SE: A scholarship from the La Quinta Arts festival and Fashion International. I worked small jobs. I lived in my car. My senior year, I was living in a garage and I didn’t like it. So, if I stayed late at school, I would just nap in my car. 

Do you feel art is a cathartic experience?
SE: Anything creative is therapeutic.


How old were you when you first got into art?
SE: Thirteen years old. I started painting in the 7th grade. In high school, I was bad at everything except for art. Even if I knew it wasn’t the best in the world, they were like—this is great. 

Who is the biggest art supporter in your life?
SE: My older sister.

Who are some artists that have inspired you?
SE: Muchá, Frida Kahlo, Jason Pollock.

What would you like to see in the Coachella Valley 5-10 years from now?
SE: I want to see the whole city painted. All the buildings are really boring. It’s almost like, they’re looking for an easy way out to put something up. I want to change how people see street art or art in general. I want to paint more murals. If I paint something small, I feel not enough people are going to see it. 

What about mass producing your art?
SE: If it’s massed produced, it’s not art—it’s commercial. There’s a lot of commercial art out there—they don’t need anther one.

Was this the first mural you painted?
SE: It’s the biggest mural I painted so far. Making a bigger statement—my whole body is moving. It was the funnest, craziest, meanest experience I had.

How late did you stay up painting the mural at the CVAS gallery?
SE: Till 2 or 3am in the morning. Being up that late in downtown Cathedral City changes your whole freaking perspective how you see the city. There were a lot of people—homeless, walking around. And the City Hall is just across the street! I was scared just to go out to my car. At one night, some random guy walked in—who was obviously fucked up. It was scary. He asked, “Where are the owners?” I said “They’re in Mexico.” The door was open because my boyfriend walked out to smoke a cigarette. And he [the homeless guy] was like, “Hmm…this is nice.” 

What prompted you to come back to the Coachella Valley?
SE: I liked L.A. When I came back here, I was so anxious. I was so used to driving fast. [Here] it’s way slower—nobody’s in a rush. I couldn’t find a job in L.A. I don’t feel there are any place for my generation to go to and make art. Either your a graphic designer or you’re going to make signs at Trader Joe’s.

How did you get your artwork into the CVAS gallery?
SE: I met Sarah [Scheideman— founder and executive director of The Coachella Valley Art Scene] at the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival. I asked her if she needed anyone to paint murals. And she said, “Yeah, Totally.” I came over to the gallery, brought all my stuff and threw it on the floor and said,—“This is me.”

After the show, what did you learn the most from the whole process?
SE: Be consistent. Learn how other people work and be a team—everything is teamwork.

What inspires you?
SE: Old photos and fashion. There can’t be music without fashion and there can’t be fashion without music—it’s what makes culture. I like decorative stuff. I like to do things that people haven’t seen before. I don’t like labels because it’s too limiting. 

Are your parents supportive of your art?
SE: They’re supportive but they don’t understand what’s going on. 

What advice do you have for young emerging artists?
SE: Whatever people want to do as long as it’s what you enjoy doing. Just do it.

What are you planing to do next?
SE: Bill [Schinsky—Founder/Executive Director] offered me a job sometime in the fall to teach art classes at the Coachella Valley Art Center—anybody who wants to show up. It’s a physical space that people who are pissed-off can make anything they want.

(Hypothetical question) If you could collaborate with any artist, living or dead, who would it be?
SE: This is going to sound so cliché but…Andy Warhol.


For more information about Sofia Enriquezvisit:sofiaenriquez.com
Sofia Enriquez’s art class begins October 23rd from 6pm-8pm at the Coachella Valley Art Center

Artist/Illustrator Sofia Enriquez. 60ft wide mural painted at The Coachella Valley Art Scene for theArtist/Illustrator Sofia Enriquez. 60ft wide mural painted at The Coachella Valley Art Scene for theArtist/Illustrator Sofia Enriquez. 60ft wide mural painted at The Coachella Valley Art Scene for theArtist/Illustrator Sofia Enriquez. 60ft wide mural painted at The Coachella Valley Art Scene for theArtist/Illustrator Sofia Enriquez. 60ft wide mural painted at The Coachella Valley Art Scene for theArtist/Illustrator Sofia Enriquez. 60ft wide mural painted at The Coachella Valley Art Scene for theArtist/Illustrator Sofia Enriquez. 60ft wide mural painted at The Coachella Valley Art Scene for the

Artist/Illustrator Sofia Enriquez. 60ft wide mural painted at The Coachella Valley Art Scene for the Art Show “SWAP. SOME. SPIT.” July-Sept. 2014. 

Post link

Palm Springs, Calif. —
Angelina Christina
Interview by Phillip Matthew Carrillo
Photography by Coachella Valley Original Photography & Julio Vazquez


I first heard of this amazing artist from a friend who’s family happen to own the 86 Meat & Liquor store where she made her mark in the Salton Sea and on me as well. When I heard she was in town and the moon and stars aligned, I took no time to hesitate. I caught up with the beautiful, talented and world famous muralist, but no stranger to the Coachella Valley — Angelina Christina. Located at Bar in Palm Springs, finishing up another sick piece of artwork with buddy Alex Pesante before she headed out to L.A to work with the Academy Of Motion Pictures, Arts, and Sciences.


Phillip Carrillo: Can you tell the Coachella Valley about yourself?

Christina Angelina (aka Angelina Christina): My names Christina Angelina , I’m an artist. I work mostly with spray paint. I grew up in Venice, Ca. I started painting when I was really young and never stopped. It became a professional thing around the age 16, I’m 32 now.  

PC: How is it traveling around? Do you travel a lot?

AC: Traveling and painting is awesome, I love it. It’s the perfect life for me. I travel all the time. I’m constantly living out of my bag and going place to place painting murals.

PC: I first heard of you from the Salton Sea, can you tell the Coachella Valley about that?

AC: The Salton Sea mural was done with my friend Finbarr Notte (@FinDac), he was coming into town from London and we were planning on working together for several months all over the place. We were planning on going to Minneapolis and New York but we both really wanted to do some work in the desert. We’re both really drawn to doing stuff out in an open desert landscape. I found the location from a friend who travels with us as a photographer. When fin arrived in town we were ready. It took about 1 ½ week to finish, staying in Indio driving back and forth. We wanted to incorporate animals present in the area; rattlesnakes, bobcats, raccoons.

PC: Any artist influences?

AC: I’m influenced by artist working now and artist that worked hundreds of years ago. I have an extensive art history background. I’ve studied at UCLA as well as in Italy and Greece. I’m defiantly influenced and inspired by artist who worked hundreds and thousands of years ago and everyone working today.

PC: When did you first start painting in the Coachella Valley?

AC: I started painting out here….the Salton Sea was the first one! I’ve been traveling here as a kid. My parents have a house out in Lake Havasu, I’ve been coming to the desert my whole life. I’ve been doing small things out here my whole life But the Salton Sea was the first big thing out here, Which then led to Bar which led to everything else in the Coachella Valley.

PC: Why the Coachella Valley?

AC: I really like it, I think it has good energy. I like the people here, I like being here and working. Personally I like the feel of it here. I love sharing my work with the community. I feel all the parts of the Coachella Valley are different from each other: Indio, Slab City, Palm Springs, Desert Hot Springs. I like the feel of each place.

PC: We heard you were going to be doing something big in Los Angeles, can you tell the Coachella Valley about that? 

AC: I’m doing a mural for the Academy of Motion Pictures, Arts, and Sciences. It’s going to be on the old May Company building on Fairfax and Wilshire. It’s a commission for them so it’s not like anything I’ve done before where I have 100 percent freedom but I basically have my freedom. I’m curious to see how it comes out, should be interesting. I have 5 days to do it starting tomorrow.

PC: Can you tell the Coachella Valley what you have been up to?

AC: I have been… since I did the mural at the Salton Sea last September I’ve traveled to New York, Florida, went to Art Basel in Miami, Denver, I’ve painted at Coachella Music and Arts Festival for the Do Lab, Boulder, Minneapolis, Brazil, a lot of work in Las Vegas as well, all over the place. I keep coming back here—I think I come back here more—I do more work out here then any other place.

PC: Any future projects we should keep our eyes open for?

AC: The thing for the Academy of Motion Pictures, Arts, and Sciences. It looks like I’m going to Brazil at the end of October and Art Basel in Miami, Florida. 

PC: Any shout-outs?

AC: I defiantly want to give a shout out to Finbarr Notte (@FinDac), It’s his birthday on the 27th of September, he’s the one I collaborated  with on the mural in front of Bar and Salton Sea which led us to the subsequent work out here, “HAPPY BIRTHDAY” for all your hard work and awesomeness. Also big shout out to Alex Pesante (@easeonetx) who I worked with on the pieces in the back of bar and work at the Hacienda ,he’s awesome, I love working with him he’s brilliant, and shout out to Palm Springs and the Coachella Valley. 

PC: Any way to buy your art work, check out photos or keep updated with you?

AC: The best way to keep updated is my Instagram, @Starfightera or my Facebook. Updating my web site soon, I have a studio in Venice, also have stuff at Gallery 446 here in Palm Springs on Indian Canyon. As far as purchasing work, you could contact me direct or the studio. There isn’t a lot since most my work are murals.


Watch the video interview at:

The Castagne’s Coachella Magazine interview by Alfa Cologne at the Renaissance Hotel & Spa, Indian Wells, California 9-24-14

Music by the Castagne’s
Host Alfa Cologne
Cinematography by Jorge Perezchica
Edited by Jorge Perezchica & Arslane Merabet
Produced by Jorge Perezchica
©2014 Coachella Magazine
For more info about the Castagne’s visit

#thecastagnes    #fashion    #culture    #coachella    #coachellavalley    #california    #coachellamagazine    

Watch: HomeTown Series pt. 1: Aller de L'avant x Connor Evans CYPHER

@Braunswagg - Cinematographer
@ConnorEvans - Artist
@Allerdelavantco - Clothing Brand

Palm Desert, Calif. —
Aller de L’avant: Hometown Series
Interview by Jorge Perezchica


“April 24 — I consider, the moving forward day,” says Dominick Love, a 20 year-old creative director and designer born and raised in Palm Desert, California. The seminal date holds personal significance, because it marks the founding of “Aller de L’avant,” his luxury street wear brand — which is french for moving forward. “I want to make something, that means something. You have to move forward to continue, but you have to find it and do research,” Dominick said. A student of business, Dominick is currently enrolled in college to further develop Aller de L’avant clothing into a lifestyle brand. One of the challenges of being a young entrepreneur is getting people to take you seriously as Dominick points out: “You just have to move forward to support your passion.” 

I first met Dominick a few months back at the Seven Six Trade Show hosted by Omar Czar — an event that promotes street wear, art and music under one roof. Dominick exhibited Aller de L’avant clothing to promote his brand and says although the trade show was a new experience it also helped him expand a little.


Moving Forward:
Recently Aller de L’avant launched a new project titled “Hometown Series” on their YouTube channel. The video series are a mix of music, fashion and local hotspots from the Coachella Valley, which reflect a lifestyle that compliments Aller de L’avant’s brand.

Each video has posted on the 24th of the month in commemoration of the moving forward day. The first in the HomeTown series debuted July 24 — Aller de L’avant partnered up with artist Connor Evans from Palm Desert and cinematographer Austin Braunschweiger. The second installment also shot by Austin Braunschweiger, features rapper/producer D Haney from 29 Palms, who laces us with a freestyle video in the Hometown series. And a third installment is scheduled for September 24.


artist Connor Evans from Palm Desert

What are HotSpots in the HomeTown series?
This is my hometown — HotSpots are how I remember the desert. I want it [the video series] to be nostalgic. Each video has a different artist and a different city.

How did you meet Connor and D Haney?
I met Connor Evans and Haney through a mutual friend and I sent Connor Evans a direct message through Twitter.

Is there a message you want to convey with your brand?
It’s more of a hidden message: 2 steps back, 4 steps forward. (In other words) If you fall down, you get back up and move forward.

What do you research to stay up to date with trends?
I keep up with blogs, I always look at the beginning to see the whole history and stories. I think Blogs are huge.

How would you compare blogs to commercial magazines?
I think blogs connect with us more. I don’t want to become too commercialized. I know what I like and what I enjoy.

Is there an artist you get inspired by?
Donald Glover, aka Childish Gambino

What keeps you motivated?
When people find out that I’m not just making money off of graphics or a logo — that I actually have a message. It really inspires and encourages me. 


rapper/producer D Haney from 29 Palms

What’s next?
I want to be really active with the youtube channel, promoting a lifestyle of moving forward.

Follow Aller de L’avant to keep up with the “HomeTown” series — a third installment is scheduled for September 24.

For more information visit the the links:

@Braunswagg - Cinematographer
@ConnorEvans - Artist
@Davidhaney24 - Rapper/Producer
