#cobra kai ships


hello today i want to talk about some cobra kai ships that i will never be ok with and make me want to scratch out my eyes. i respect anyone who wants to ship these but i simply could never✋


1. Hawk X Sam

literally this could not make less sense, they are so not right for each other sam is very “good,” and looks down on those who aren’t, while hawk is clearly rebellious and shows many qualities that sam would not appreciate in a person. of course they are now both part of miyagifang or whatever and hawk is going to tone himself down, but i think there is way too much history there for anything to be able to happen between them. despite all that dojo feuding mess, their personalities just would not mesh together. i feel like i don’t really even need to explain, it’s just so wrong

2. Johnny X Daniel

I KNOW HOW MANY OF YALL SHIP THIS AND I JUST CANTTTT i think i just can’t fathom the possibility of it ever happening ig. Obviously Johnny and Daniel basically hate each other. I’m really glad they might grow into a bit of a friendship in the next season, but PLS. These dudes are the furthest thing from gay and Daniel is mf married I just don’t feel like it’d work unless you completely changed everything about their characters and that don’t sit right w me.

3. Demetri X Hawk

i’ve seen this ship a fair amount and i have a similar problem with it as #2, it just doesn’t seem possible. i absolutely love their friendship but both of them just do not give me secretly bi vibes whatsoever and all i see from these two are lonely dudes who bonded over the lack of women in their life they would also just be so awkward together just nooooo

and now for some cobra kai ships that are also most definitely not canon but i would be very okay with it if they happened:

1. Tory X Hawk

now i think if this were to have ever happened it should’ve been in season 3, as some sort of toxic rebound for them after their breakups and they would’ve been a hella power couple and done some serious damage together. they’d definitely be very bad for each other in terms of finding redemption so like i said i wouldn’t think of this as an endgame ship, but boyyy i would’ve loved to see them have a fling or something and be toxic together for a little while✋

2. Amanda X Carmen

obviously this would never happen in the current ck universe but these two are just the most badass, kind, and smart women and they would be SO POWERFUL!!! i get major lgbt supportive vibes from them but it’s so strong that i could genuinely see both of them just getting fed up with men and being lesbian with each other instead like the power they would hold omg it’d be legendary.

3. Aisha X Tory

i think that tory could 100% be bi canonically, and aisha’s just a whole lesbian. aisha would prob be a little not confident about her sexuality but tory would be super comfortable with it and they’d have some sort of natural relationship growth because they had a really cute friendship in s2. if aisha were to have been in the following seasons i think they would have actually been a really cute / wholesome ship and they’d bring out a lot of confidence and good in each other. they’d probably be one of those couples that’s like really happy in their cobra kai bubble but if anyone were to piss them off that person would be dead meat in 2 secs so maybe not a beneficial couple for the outside world but… ✋✋✋ i like them together ok

k that’s all i have to say for now please feel free to reply/reblog with your opinions on all these ships but everyone remember to be kind to ur fellow shippers and don’t judge people anyways i apologize for what may become a deeply controversial post
