#code pink

i again found myself drawing characters from my own stories last night ghfeifrom left to right therei again found myself drawing characters from my own stories last night ghfeifrom left to right therei again found myself drawing characters from my own stories last night ghfeifrom left to right there

i again found myself drawing characters from my own stories last night ghfei

from left to right there’s kiete, bitte, and CoA. kiete is the protagonist of mirror, which sees him searching for a vague macguffin to stop the world from dying lmao he’s kind of a crybaby and unfit to be out on his own. i’m sure the readers stuck with him will love that ghfjfioe he gets better, of course

bitte and CoA are from code pink, with bitte being the protagonist trying to rid the empty school building he woke up in of monsters by turning the lights on. CoA is kind of helping him in that endeavor. kind of

once again drawn with ballpoint pens and colored with watercolor brush pens :v little bit of marker made it into them this time tho

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whispers a collection of some bits and pieces of old original story artwork i’m still proud of, sincwhispers a collection of some bits and pieces of old original story artwork i’m still proud of, sincwhispers a collection of some bits and pieces of old original story artwork i’m still proud of, sincwhispers a collection of some bits and pieces of old original story artwork i’m still proud of, sincwhispers a collection of some bits and pieces of old original story artwork i’m still proud of, sincwhispers a collection of some bits and pieces of old original story artwork i’m still proud of, sincwhispers a collection of some bits and pieces of old original story artwork i’m still proud of, sincwhispers a collection of some bits and pieces of old original story artwork i’m still proud of, sincwhispers a collection of some bits and pieces of old original story artwork i’m still proud of, sinc

whispers a collection of some bits and pieces of old original story artwork i’m still proud of, since i’m still thinking about my original stuff lately lies down

every row is from a different story, which i’m going to put under the cut for descriptions bc it might get long hghife

1) melantha having a drink with the creator of the afterlife, bc she’s very close to them in a weird way

2) cian comforting sarlic. this was originally part of a mini comic but i ran out of juice on it bc i just don’t do comics anymore uu;;

3) one time i took the characters i’d created for agenda and transplanted them into different genres, one of which was a fairy tale, where cian became a queen who couldn’t sleep no matter what and cosette became a peasant girl who fell into a deep sleep and couldn’t be woken up. this was an image i had near the end, when cian, having been thwarted in her plan to ‘steal’ cosette’s sleep, collapses and. well. asks to be killed coughs

4) moving on to code pink, this is one of the monsters wandering the hallways of the abandoned school the protagonist wakes up in. its ‘name’ is empty

5) the protagonist himself, who i drew asleep in a comfy chair for. reasons beyond 2022 me (this is from like 2011 or 2012 or so probably)

6) CoA, another of the monsters But Bitte Doesn’t Know That At First

7, 8, + 9) aaand moving on to descent, my second oldest story which needs a lot of TLC wheezes this character’s name is illiath and at the time of her creation she was based very heavily on Me hhghg with her friend téa (pictured in the next one) based on my best friend at the time. in fact my best friend named and designed her lmao

they’re still kinda based on our dynamic, ngl

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