#colby brock imagine


Hey there, wow can’t believe I still have people supporting my writing even if I haven’t posted for over a year now. Thank you. Many things has happened to me, I turned 20, got a job and my life has changed for the better. But writing is something that I have always done since I was little and I love it so I’m back on this blog!

I want to start fresh and I’m hoping to post weekly but I might be a bit rusty to bare with me! Requests are open and hopefully you’ll get a piece of writing very soon. Stay tuned.

Prompt List #2

Send me a couple numbers and I’ll write them up!

1. “Please don’t leave me.”

2. “Are you kidding me right now?!”

3. “I’m going to kill you!”

4. “You did all of this for me?”

5. “I made my baby cry!”

6. “I’m in love with you.”

7. “Can I kiss you?”

8. “You’re so fucking hot when you’re mad.”

9. “Will you be quiet?!”

10. “You are a bloody idiot, you know that?”

11. “You love me.”

12. “He’s dead.”

13. “I hate you so much I love you.”

14. “Just leave me alone!”

15. “I can’t believe you just did that.”

16. "Give me a reason not to turn around and walk away now.”

17. "Please.”

18. "Cuddle me.”

19. "Give me that back!”

20. "I’m pregnant.”

21. "Are you scared?”

22. "What are you doing?”

23. "If we get caught I’m blaming you.”

24. "Are you drunk?”

25. "Shut up and kiss me.”

26. "Help me I’m stuck.”

27. "What am I going to do with you?”

28. "Stop distracting me!”

29. "You said my name in your sleep.”

30. "Yes.”

31. "Are you jealous?”

32. "Trust me.”

33. "Bite me.” “If you insist.”

34. "I made a mistake.”

35. "It’s been a while.” “Too long.”

36. "I don’t love you anymore!”

37. "You’re lying.”

38. "I’m going to regret this.”

39. "Do that again.”

40. "I’m running away.”

41. "I need your help.”

42. "If I die I’m going to come back and haunt you.”

43. "Well this is a surprise.”

44. "Am I dreaming?”

45. "Make me.”

46. "If they find out, I’ll kill myself and then you.”

47. "Why? Just… why?”

48. "Stop it.”

49. "We’re just friends.”

50. "Did you just flick me?”

51. "Do you want to kiss as bad as I do right now?”

52. "I got you a present.”

53. "Sit in my lap.”

54. "I think I forgot how to breathe.”

55. "Woah.”

56. "What if I told you I’ve been in love with you since I was eleven?”

57. "You don’t understand, you never do!”

58. "You look cute with a baby bump!”

59. "It’s all your fault!”

60. "Well that’s just great.”

61. "Are you even listening?”

62. "I’m going to walk away and pretend I didn’t see anything.”

63. "I thought you loved her.”

64. "Time changes people.”

65. "You, my friend, are a complete and utter tosser.”

66. "You should be nice to me, I just saved your life!”

67. "Don’t you just love it!”

68. "It bit me!”

69. "You have approximately 5 seconds to get out of my face before I kill you.”

70. "Did you buy me… lingerie?”

71. "Oh yeah, because you’d be so good at this!”

72. "I’m sorry.”

73. "That night never happened!”

74. "You should marry me.”

75. "Aren’t you just a cutie pie!”

76. "Don’t you dare!”

77. "Um.. somebody broke that.”

78. "Stop biting that fucking lip!”

79. "You’re hot, shame about the personality.”

80. "You’re going to get us expelled!”

81. "I need you to fake date me.”

82. "My back’s a bit sore from when you stabbed me with your knife.”

83. “You’re just leaving me here? At least have to decency to finish me off with a stick.”

84. "No, I didn’t murder them. I accidentally knocked them unconscious forever, that’s all.”

85. "Wow thanks a lot.”

86. "Why are you walking around naked?”

87. "You owe me big time!”

88. "Awe it’s so cute!”

89. "Are you hitting on me?”

90. "If I die you’ll be sorry!”

91. "Help me hide!”

92. "Sometimes I really don’t like you.”

93. "You’re crazy! You’re out of your mind!”

94. "Ow! Ow! Stop hitting me!”

95. "I don’t know how you convinced me to do this.”

96. "Is that… is that my bra?”

97. "Really? Right now?”

98. "Where are your pants?”

99. "I can’t believe you’re carrying my child.”

100. ”You’re my soulmate?!”

Guys I’m back!

Thanks to every one of you guys for following me and continuing to read my work, it means a lot. Over the past few months, I’ve got a full time job and have been constantly busy. I love writing and it’s an escape. I’m gonna get back to writing, I’ve missed it so much.

Requests are always open! Keep tuned


Over the past few months a lot has changed in my life, some for the better, some for the worse.

I’ve missed writing imagines, they are my escape. I’ll try and post once or twice a week from now on!

Requests are always open!

Guys I’m not well Please send me imagine requests as I really want to write some fluff❤

Colby Brock: Abandoned

Requested:Anon‘Hey!! I have a request where you and your friends are exploring and come across Sam and Colby. You become friends with them and are in more videos. Fans are shipping you and Colby and you guys announce that your dating?? Love your work!! <3’

A/N: I’d like to say thank you for reading my work on here, it means a lot! The support has been amazing! You guys are the best!

“What’s up my lovely people? Today I’m here with my best friends, Marlee and Raina.” You said introducing them to the camera, they both waved and smiled to the viewers. “We are going to be exploring another abandoned building, this time it’s an abandoned hospital.” You smiled, pointing the camera at the freaky looking hospital behind you.

The three of you crawled through the long grass which was full of thorns and probably loads of bugs. You had to be careful due to the security guard, this video took two weeks to plan, you’re not going to let the security guard stop you now. You, Marlee and Raina managed to go through the hole in the fence and escaped security.

“We have to make it quick guys, the security guard could come back at any second now!” You commented, telling your friends and camera.

“Yep, definitely don’t want to be arrested tonight.” Raina pointed out, quickly following you and Marlee behind.

Finally you guys made it through an open window and into the hospital.

“Everyone got their flashlights?” You asked, turning your camera light on which would be your source of light for the duration of your exploring.

“Yes we do.” Marlee said, pointing her flashlight around the dark room.

“Let’s do this thing!” You exclaimed, feeling the adrenaline already rushing through your veins.

“How can you be so happy right now?” Raina pointed out, looking frightened.

“I love the feeling you get and don’t forget I do this for a living.” You chuckled, walking towards the door which was opened slightly. You poked your head around the corner and camera as well, into the scariest hallway ever. “Wow, this is hella creepy.” You commented out loud.

“Oh no. If you think it’s creepy, then it’s definitely creepy!” Marlee exclaimed half joking, but you could hear the fear in her voice.

“We have to stick together no matter what.” You pointed out, making the girls not in agreement.

The three of you walked out of the room and into the scary hallway.

“Why am I here again?” Raina complained, not liking it one bit.

“Because you love me.” You smirked, turning to face her and laugh at her disgusted facial expression.

“Let’s get this over with.” Raina sighed, nearly bumping into Marlee as she saw a moth fly in front of her. “I swear if we encounter a ghost, I’m out of here and will never be in one of your videos again.” She muttered, making you chuckle but then stopped as soon as you heard faint voices.

“Wait, did you just hear that? Those voices?” You questioned, stopping in your tracks, trying to hear them again.

“That’s it, I’m quitting. I’m out of here.” Raina stuttered, turning away but then to back up into you.

“What? Did you see something Raina?” Marlee asked quick looking at where her friend saw something.

“I saw s-shadows.” Raina stuttered, her eyes were wide with fear.

“Are you sure?” You asked, feeling a bit scared yourself. You did hear voices after all and now there were shadows as well?

“I’m sure.” Raina confirmed, biting her lip.

“What if that was a ghost?” Marlee squeaked out and looking at you.

“I’m sure it wasn’t a ghost.” You denied, still pointing to where Raina saw the shadow, which was right the end of the hallway.

You heard voices again, this time they were louder and both Raina and Marlee heard as well.

“Holy shit.” You commented, now a bit more scared.

“Okay, we get the hell out of here right now.” Raina whispered, finding the way that you got in.

“But, we still haven’t explored the rest of the hospital yet.” You claimed, wanting to explore the rest if the building.

“Y/N, what if it was a ghost or a murderer that wants to kill innocent people! I do not want to die!” Raina explained, a bit loud. “I just want to be out of here.” She muttered, Marlee rubbed her back in comfort. Marlee looked behind you and froze.

“What?” You mouthed to her, furrowing your eyebrows together.

“I swear I saw something behind you.” Marlee gulped, making you quickly turn and point to the camera to where she saw something. You heard the same voices again, this time they sounded pretty close. You saw a flash of light, you pulled the girls into a room and panted a bit.

“There’s people here.” You whispered. “I caught that on camera for sure.”

The voices sounded like two boys, they got closer and closer. The footsteps were closer and closer until they stopped were the three of you were in a hospital bed room.

“Hello?” One of them called out, pointing their torch in the room.

“We’re not here to hurt you. We’re just exploring.” Another voice spoke out which was a bit deeper.

You noticed a camera. Maybe they were YouTubers as well? You took a deep breath and walked out of the shadows, making the two boys jump.

“Er hi?” You greeted, still filming the whole thing. You looked at the two boys and your mouth hung wide. “You’re Sam and Colby! Oh my gosh.” You grinned, Marlee and Raina came out of the shadows as well. Not really knowing who they were.

“You’re Y/N!” Colby exclaimed a bit excitingly.

“Wait, you watch my channel?” You asked confused but happy at the same time.

“He watches your videos all the time!” Sam pointed out, making Colby blush and shrug.

“What can I say? You have an amazing channel.” Colby smirked, feeling less embarrassed.

That was the day that you met Sam and Colby who instantly became your friends. You and Colby became extremely close, it was like he was the missing puzzle piece that you thought you lost. After that exploration video, you appeared in most of their videos, exploration ones or not.

It was only in a matter of time that fans started shipping you and Colby together. At first you tried to ignore the shipping, thinking that it’ll die down. Nope you were clearly wrong. Not just fans but everyone did. Of course Colby had noticed the shipping going on and he didn’t mind it one bit. You were like the female version of himself, both loved exploring and shared the same music taste. What’s more to like? Don’t forget that he found you extremely attractive as well.

One day, Colby asked you out on a date and his exact words were, 'Everyone wants us to date, so why not go on one?’ After the date to the beach and arcade, it was one of the best times of your life. You’ve never really been on a date before, but if all dates were like the one you and Colby went on then you’ll definitely be down to go on more (with Colby of course).

Colby asked you to be his girlfriend after two days of your first date. You said yes and everyone went wild. The only thing was that the fans didn’t know yet. You and Colby agreed to announce it in a typical 'Meet my girlfriend’ video. This time it’s not clickbait.

“Wassup guys, it’s Colby here! Now as you know this video is titled, meet my girlfriend.” Colby spoke, giving you a smile before continuing. “This girl has been my best friend for a few months now, you guys have been shipping us together since day one! You probably know who I’m talking about, but if you don’t. Y/N come up here!” Colby announced making hand gestures.

“Hey!” You exclaimed enthusiastically and sitting in your boyfriend’s lap.

“I just want to clarify that this is not a prank or clickbait, this is real and I really like Y/N.” Colby smiled, kissing your cheek making you blush. “You’re so cute.” He admitted making you giggle.

“Stop, you’re making me blush.” You grinned, feeling butterflies in your stomach.

“Never.” Colby smirked, poking your side and making you laugh.

“You’re such a doofus.” You said shaking your head at Colby’s actions.

“But I’m your doofus.”

Sam and Colby


F- fluff

S- smut

A- angst


Maybe it’s not so bad

•going exploring with Colby has ended you both getting trapped, but maybe it’s not all bad? (F)
