#cole whittle



In the four years that have passed since the glam-glitter-trashy-fabulousness of You Love You, Semi Precious Weapons has gone through quite a metamorphosis. Anyone who has followed the band a while would know that change is definitely a constant. From the haunting torch ballads of frontman Justin Tranter’s two solo albums to the first couple SPW EPs that mixed glam rock with a new wave…

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spw cole w album

spw cole w album

If you haven’t heard of Semi Precious Weapons yet, you will. The band has a unique blend of old school glam, trashy party pop and gritty face-melting rock n’ roll. Since their last album You Love You, the guys have been playing gigs from one coast to the other, eventually finding a new home in L.A., a brand new label, and some brand new sounds to add to their own. The wait is almost over, as the…

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