#colin farrell




Behind the scenes of ‘The Batman’

Colin Farrell as Oz, the Penguin.

Colin truly is an amazing actor.

The makeup team

He looks so happy being a penguin!!!

I loved him as Oz, even if he didn’t have too much screentime, he still killed it!!

One of the best things of the film, easily ;-D

I look forward to finally seeing this on DVD!

I’ve been giving Colin Farrel’s Oz a lot of attention.  I need to share some Michael Keaton VA Vandevere love!

This is the last role Keaton’s done where he makes the character far from his own voice and mannerisms. Since Dumbo he’s pretty much been doing roles that look and sound the same (Batman, and soon he’s going to play yet another assassin).

I hope he does another character like VA again.

I just can’t get over Colin Farrell in this movie.  He thoroughly becomes the character.  Hate to say it, but he does it even more than Danny DeVito did in Batman Returns, in that his voice and mannerisms are so different from his own (DeVito’s voice was pretty much the same as his voice in Taxi).

Here’s DeVito’s impression of The Batman.  (I love that he didn’t bother straightening the room behind him, and the fully stocked liquor cart in the background.)

#colin farrell    #danny devito    #the batman    #the penguin    #batman returns    #batman    

I’m getting The Batman DVD next Saturday, and I can’t wait to see this scene in context!

I bet Colin Farrell had fun doing this.


“Oz” Cobblepot was never really that bad a guy.  Thrown from a horse at age 18, his limp discouraged employers, though his kindness found him a loving, beautiful wife.

In order to support Annie and their daughter, Milly, Oz accepted work at the one place where his intimidating appearance was an asset: Dreamland, an exclusive nightclub for the filthy rich, owned by billionaire V.A. Vandevere.  With a head for numbers and a showman through and through, soon Oz was the billionaire’s right-hand man.

Annie died from Covid in 2020.  Numb with grief, Oz drowned himself in work. 

Oz was well aware Dreamland was just a front for Vandevere’s criminal enterprises.  He kept his mouth shut and sheltered Milly as well as he could.  But in order to go to college, and determined to pay her own way, Milly insisted on working as a waitress at Dreamland..

V.A. noticed her.  And she noticed him.  Milly thought the father she dearly loved didn’t know they were “dating.”  But Oz knew everything that happens in Dreamland.

Telling Milly outright to never see V.A. again would make her dig in her heels.  But one evening during a thunderstorm, with business slow, Oz tries to convince Milly to leave work early.  And he confronts her with her secret.


Oz being shown a photo of @victorianwestpiano when she’s sick. ;-)

Get well soon!



Congrats to Colin Farrell for getting nominated for MTV Best Villain as Oz, The Penguin in ‘The Batman’.

Voting for the 2022 MTV Awards is OPEN! Vote now for Colin’s Oz at vote.mtv.com and tune in to the biggest night for all fankind, June 5 on @ MTV!

I hope Colin wins!



✨ Colin Farrell

‘Hart’s War’ (2002)

He looks so young here!

A baby!

He was 26 when he made this movie, but he looks like he’s 15!

Fright Night (2011) starring Colin Farrell, Anton Yelchin and David Tennant will be released on Blu-ray 3D, Blu-ray and DVD on December 13th, 2011.

More information about the included extras can be found HEREvia@cinemablend.

What have I been up to this year?Besides moving overseas and starting a new job and travelling a hec

What have I been up to this year?

Besides moving overseas and starting a new job and travelling a heck of a lot I mean…

(most of these are speedpaints… https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLb94hm6YGAAzcUMO2BP2q7_4h44hM04Iy )

Post link


(FYI antis, she’s 18 in my fic, don’t get your knickers in a twist)


Once more, for the antis who’ve been pathetically shooting anonymous “Villy is sick” Asks at me, which I swat like flies.

That’s right, 18 year old Milly wants V.A.’s

ewan-mcgregor: COLIN FARRELL @ The NYC Special Screening of ‘After Yang’ • February 28th, 2022 @geneewan-mcgregor: COLIN FARRELL @ The NYC Special Screening of ‘After Yang’ • February 28th, 2022 @geneewan-mcgregor: COLIN FARRELL @ The NYC Special Screening of ‘After Yang’ • February 28th, 2022 @gene


@ The NYC Special Screening of ‘After Yang’ • February 28th, 2022


Post link


Yep… I’m doing this again.. my fanvid for MR. GRAVES
