#college move in


Tomorrow is move in day. I’m moving in a day early because my parents won’t be able to move me in on Sunday. It will be nice, however, to move in a day before my roommate, so I don’t need to worry about us both moving in at once and having our room be a total disaster.

I didn’t start packing until 11 pm Friday. I had all day Friday but I just did everything else. My best friend came over and helped me pack, and we got it all done in an hour or so, which is nice. I’m excited to move in! I’m excited to hang up all my clothes and put my bed together. My best friend and my boyfriend are also coming up to move me in tomorrow, so hopefully I won’t get too stressed.

I hope I remember to take pictures and document my progress on my room tomorrow. I’m excited for the finished product and to see how it will look. Here’s to freshmen year!

