#college weight gain


My roommate is showing off how much fat he’s got from all those times I ran out to buy him more takeout …


My roommate keeps eating and eating and getting fatter and fatter


My roommate likes to eat 4 frozen dinners a night, just to blow up and look menacing in front of me!

My roommate is eating more and more food each day….not sure if I can keep up much longer

My college roomie is eating EVERYTHING!Is there no end???


My roommate January vs nowthe support from our Patreon has allowed me to bring a lot more food into our apartment. He just eats and eats and is blowing the fuck up!

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My ex jock roommate won’t stop eating all my food! And his belly and muscles keep getting bigger and bigger


“Step into my office…BRRRRP!”


My college roomie gained more weight❤️

Help me feed him on Patreon.


My roomie sleeps like a lion, then wakes up like a whale

Subscribe to our Patreon and help me feed him!


I told my roomie not to eat everything all at once…but does he listen? Nope. Do I spoil him? Hell yes!

Help me feed him this month cuz his appetite has grown!


Fat daddy has been getting fatter lately


My roommate won’t stop eating everything and getting bigger by the day

Help me feed him by donating on Patreon.


Follow us on Patreon for more pics and vids of him getting bigger

You’re pledge goes to more food to put into that belly!


My ex jock roommate just eats and eats and eats all fuckin day. And he’s grown so much bigger since the start of the year…

Help me feed him


Before and after…

He just eats and eats and gets bigger and bigger…and I’ll I can do is cower in a corner as he grows with each gulp and belch…

Help me feed my college roomie and see more!


WHAT THE FUCK MAN????? 10 sandwiches gone forever and inside of that big belly…now digesting and becoming even BIGGER! Fat King how do manage to eat everything I buy you and grow so large??!! Fucking Big Daddy

Help me buy his next meal


He’s about to bust through this shirt


Zach from the TryGuys has been sporting a much fuller figure recently! He’s always been skinny until these late few months where he’s evidently been eating good!

Dec 2021-Apr 2022

The husband from the A&S prank channel has continued to beef up over the last couple of years! A serious case of dad bod it seems….

Fortunately it seems that Cyril has missed the memo on getting a summer bod! Can’t wait to watch him continue to grow this season.

“Dude I went to high school with has ballooned recently after getting a gf. He's just 21, but already got a middle aged body. (Exactly 2 years between photos.) He was the jock in school who played sports and excelled in gym. He stayed thin and athletic throughout all of high school. Randomly met an older classmate who struck up a conversation about high school, and in a side comment she mentioned him and said "he’s gotten kinda chubby haha” and I just had to check for myself, and yup he had ballooned. Not sure how he did it so quickly, he’s got an athletic family that hikes a lot, but guess he’s just got a big appetite.“ (Submission)

Submissions can be sent by sending me a message on here or by e-mail at: [email protected]

“Guy from college; our tennis team shut down after freshman year (he was on it), and he’s been gaining the exjock pounds ever since!” (Submission)

Submissions can be sent by sending me a message on here, KIK (thedk159) or by e-mail at: [email protected]

“College football player slowly getting the best dad bod! The thicker face, the facial hair, the legs ” (Submission)

Submissions can be sent by sending me a message on here, KIK (thedk159) or by e-mail at: [email protected]
