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JEAN HAD FOUND HIMSELF IN A BIT OF TROUBLE forgetting the two year anniversary of him and his girlfriend. Gabby was, rightfully so, completely upset with the man she called her boyfriend. Having been so caught up in his own life, he’d missed the entire day ‘til it was too late. Which led him to desperate measures; Eren and Y/n.

“Pretty sure she hates your guts, man.“ The boxer shared, draping both arms behind the black sectional he sat on and spreading his legs. 

Y/n scoffed next to him and shoved his right leg harshly. “She doesn’t hate him. Just disappointed is all.” Which was worse than her hating him. 

And Jean knew this as his face fell deeper in despair. 

“I can’t lose her guys. Please! Please help me apologize.” Jean looked to be on the verge of tears, looking worse for wear. 

Gabby and Jean were the physical embodiment of soulmates if there ever was such a thing. The two of them ending would be devastating for the both of them. 

“Don’t think apologies work that way.”

“We’ll help.” 

The two frenemies glared at each other while Jean engulfed them both in a hug of appreciation. 

“Thank you! Thank you!” His gratefulness was muffled by the sectional but the two could hear him clearly. 

Eren rolled his eyes and shoved him off of them. “You’re going to be late for practice.” He grumbled, annoyed with being roped into the situation. 

Jean, reminded of his commitments for the day, straightened up and grabbed the duffel bag he’d left at the front door before leaving. 

“Okay so, you do all the work and let me know when you’re done.” Eren patted Y/n’s leg absentmindedly, using her thigh to push off the couch and stand. 

Her face screwed up in disgust at him touching her. “You must be out of your fuck ass mind. Put on a shirt and let’s go help our friends.” 

“Not listening.” He sang like a child, opening cabinets in his kitchen in search of something.

Y/n slipped her shoe off and threw it at his head.


Eren had continuously rubbed the small knot in the back of his head, an angry expression on his face. The two had been walking the streets of downtown for at least an hour, gathering anything and everything to help Jean out. Y/n scanned the street for the floral shop she found online, their second to last stop for the day.

“So I’m thinking we will make one bouquet with two types of flowers.” She spoke aloud, sharing her thoughts with a man who couldn’t care less. 

Eren rolled his eyes and readjusted the shopping bag on his shoulder.  

“Whatever makes this shit go by faster, I don’t care.” He muttered angrily. 

This was not how he wanted to spend his Saturday. It was almost two in the afternoon and normally he’d be in the gym right now, sparring with Levi til he couldn’t go any more. But Levi banned him from the gym, told him he had to get his head right first, whatever the fuck that meant. So, Eren’s been grumpy ever since. 

And after his vulnerable moment with Y/n last week, he’s been especially dreading being around her. 

“You know, you’re a shitty friend.” 

Her blunt tone took Eren by surprise as they stopped in front of the pastel purple shop. He sported a dumbfounded look on his face while Y/n eyed the flowers on display for any that could be of use. 

“What the fuck?” 

Y/n hummed in response, ignoring him and his question. “Those dhalia’s are gorgeous! Those and the peonies.” 

A firm grip placed a weight on Y/n’s forearm, her eyes trailing down to find Eren’s hand on her body. 

“The hell—” 

“Yo! Y/n!” Someone had called for her behind them, Y/n flickering her gaze to a small group of males walking their direction. One of them having the same complexion as her. 


Forcefully removing Eren’s grip on her arm, Y/n excitedly greeted her older cousin with open arms. “Hey! What are you doing over here?” She asked, taking a moment to bask in his familiar comfort. 

“We just left the bakery down the street. Nicolo’s family owns the place, as well as the restaurant right across from it.” The six-three athlete explained, releasing Y/n from the hug.

That’s when she took the chance to look at the four other guys walking with her cousin. Each looked as handsome as the last, with pretty faces and dangerous eyes that could easily get most girls, paired with their stature alone and they looked amazing. But then she caught eyes with one of them and was reminded of her surroundings and who she was with.

A rushed Fuck! stumbled out of her barely parted lips when Eren called her name and made his way over.

“Eren, go wait in the shop–” “Eren Yaeger…you look different from the last time I saw you. How’s that face of yours? Still ugly I see.”

“Porco.” Fuck.


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