#colonel carrillo x reader



Sacrifices Chapter List

I had someone inquire about a masterlist recently but minus a few blurbs from prompts this is really my only current work. I will keep this as a pinned post while I continue to add chapters to this story and update as I go along for now. Thank you again to everyone who has continued to enjoy my ramblings and I hope to have a new chapter available soon :)

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5 


Chapter 7



Day 16 - Mistletoe || Warm lights, smoke, and friends. (Colonel Horacio Carrillo x F!Reader)

(For the 2021 December Challenge.  The event masterlist is here.)  

CW:  Fluff.

Word Count:  2128

AN:  Late and unedited.  Also, I f*cked around and found out with my computer, and now I can’t make accented letters, so sorry in advance on the Colombian place names without accent marks.

Requested by: the lovely @cursedtobe, who is unable to be tagged, thanks to Tumblr!

Colonel Horacio Carrillo unilaterally hate embassy parties.  He hated wearing his dress uniform for a bunch of bureaucrats, and he hated playing politics when the hard work was done in the streets.  But being the head of the Search Bloc came with unpleasant tasks, and that including glad-handing American assholes in ill-fitting suits.

At least it was Christmas.  The alcohol and food should be better than the usual lackluster fare.

And with any luck, you’d be there too.

Keep reading

I love this so much
