
After a weekend of wrestling, my five-and-a-half year-old is going to have to be put down. I’v

After a weekend of wrestling, my five-and-a-half year-old is going to have to be put down. I’ve checked … my books seem to be fine (and backed up elsewhere) but #ColoniesOfKobol writing will unfortunately be delayed after a brisk three weeks (and fifty pages) of writing.

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I just started Bear McCreary’s #BSG / #Caprica soundtrack for the 68th time (since I’ve

I just started Bear McCreary’s #BSG / #Caprica soundtrack for the 68th time (since I’ve been keeping track). That totals 884 hours, just since I’ve been writing this half of #ColoniesOfKobol. Who knows what the real total is …

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Here’s a #ColoniesOfKobol SITREP. Book Three (and Volume One) are finished. I’m now work

Here’s a #ColoniesOfKobol SITREP. Book Three (and Volume One) are finished. I’m now working on Book Four - Virgon.

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I #amwriting #ColoniesOfKobol Book Two #Gemenon … I just started listening to #bearmccreary&r

I #amwriting #ColoniesOfKobol Book Two #Gemenon … I just started listening to #bearmccreary’s great #BSG and #Caprica soundtracks for the SIXTIETH time as I’ve been writing these books. Times thirteen hours each tick, that’s a lot of writing (or, at least, sitting here thinking about writing).

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I’ve had this in mind for a decade. How the symbol of Kobol (and #BSG) started as an eagle in

I’ve had this in mind for a decade. How the symbol of Kobol (and #BSG) started as an eagle in #LordsOfKobol and became a phoenix later. From #ColoniesOfKobol Book Two (2 pics). #amwriting

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One month after the events in #LordsOfKobol Final Exodus, the fleet arrives in the Cyrannus System.

One month after the events in #LordsOfKobol Final Exodus, the fleet arrives in the Cyrannus System. #ColoniesOfKobol #Gemenon #BSG

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#ColoniesOfKobol Book Sixteen (Earth) is finished. Now I’m rewinding and starting on Book Two

#ColoniesOfKobol Book Sixteen (Earth) is finished. Now I’m rewinding and starting on Book Two …

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After writing in the #BSG universe for so long with #LordsOfKobol and #ColoniesOfKobol, it’s k

After writing in the #BSG universe for so long with #LordsOfKobol and #ColoniesOfKobol, it’s kinda weird to write about *our* Earth in the context of this saga …

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#ColoniesOfKobol Book Fifteen #NewCaprica is finished. Now on to this. #Earth #BSG https://www.insta

#ColoniesOfKobol Book Fifteen #NewCaprica is finished. Now on to this. #Earth #BSG

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Hey! Look at which nearly forgotten #BSG character shows up in #ColoniesOfKobol #NewCaprica! https:/

Hey! Look at which nearly forgotten #BSG character shows up in #ColoniesOfKobol #NewCaprica!

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Amanda Plummer’s Oracle Dodona Selloi returns in #ColoniesOfKobol #New Caprica … https:

Amanda Plummer’s Oracle Dodona Selloi returns in #ColoniesOfKobol #New Caprica …

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Want to win a first draft copy of #ColoniesOfKobol #Caprica? Go to http://bit.ly/CapricaBook #BSG ht

Want to win a first draft copy of #ColoniesOfKobol #Caprica? Go to http://bit.ly/CapricaBook#BSG

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No rest for the wicked. With #ColoniesOfKobol #Caprica behind me, I’m moving on to New Caprica

No rest for the wicked. With #ColoniesOfKobol #Caprica behind me, I’m moving on to New Caprica. #BSG

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It’s been requested and I’ve wanted to do it, so now I’m in the middle of making a

It’s been requested and I’ve wanted to do it, so now I’m in the middle of making a chronological #BSG #Caprica #LordsOfKobol #ColoniesOfKobol reading/viewing guide. Not as cut and dry as one might think.

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25 years after college, I’ve pulled out my old Ancient Greek textbooks to double-check dialogu

25 years after college, I’ve pulled out my old Ancient Greek textbooks to double-check dialogue in #ColoniesOfKobol Volume Three. It’s been fun conjugating verbs again. Thanks, Mrs. Wudel, wherever you are.

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Well, it’s official. #ColoniesOfKobol Volume Three is large. (Paper edit is done; three more p

Well, it’s official. #ColoniesOfKobol Volume Three is large. (Paper edit is done; three more passes to go.)

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I had to rebuild my website, http://ety3rd.com … But the good news is that both #ColoniesOfKo

I had to rebuild my website, http://ety3rd.com … But the good news is that both #ColoniesOfKobol Volumes One and Two are now available in multiple formats from multiple ebook retailers. Download it now!

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Ugh. Making the table of contents for #ColoniesOfKobol Volune One. It’s a tedious chore, but i

Ugh. Making the table of contents for #ColoniesOfKobol Volune One. It’s a tedious chore, but it means Feb. 7 is that much closer!

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I just started the #BSG-#Caprica soundtracks for the 87th time since I’ve been keeping track.

I just started the #BSG-#Caprica soundtracks for the 87th time since I’ve been keeping track. That’s 13 hours each for a total of around 47 days. Amazing stuff, @bearmccreary. It keeps me writing #ColoniesOfKobol.

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#ColoniesOfKobol How does one say “frak” in Leonese (aka French)? https://www.instagram.

#ColoniesOfKobol How does one say “frak” in Leonese (aka French)?

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Writing #ColoniesOfKobol Picon … Here, a Pican admiral dines with a Leonan ambassador, leadin

Writing #ColoniesOfKobol Picon … Here, a Pican admiral dines with a Leonan ambassador, leading to a surprising way to break the ice. (“Johanna’s Nose” = Habsburg Jaw)

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Ahoy!#ColoniesOfKobol update: I’ve finished Book Seven: Aerilon and have now started Book Ei


#ColoniesOfKobol update: I’ve finished Book Seven: Aerilon and have now started Book Eight: Picon. More to come … #BSG

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Writing #ColoniesOfKobol Book Seven - Aerilon and catching up with an old friend: Gaius Baltar. #BSG

Writing #ColoniesOfKobol Book Seven - Aerilon and catching up with an old friend: Gaius Baltar. #BSG

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Sometimes when you’re writing, you look at what you’ve done, and say, “It stinks!&

Sometimes when you’re writing, you look at what you’ve done, and say, “It stinks!” Thankfully, it only cost me thirty pages of #ColoniesOfKobol. Read more here: http://ety3rd.blogspot.com

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When I started writing #ColoniesOfKobol, I certainly didn’t expect to be writing a song in the

When I started writing #ColoniesOfKobol, I certainly didn’t expect to be writing a song in the vein of Kentucky bluegrass coal miner classics, yet here we are.

(Note: “Cancer” here is the name of the planet; not the disease. Also, it should be read or sung perky and fast.)

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Still writing #ColoniesOfKobol … I’m such a juvenile at times. https://www.instagram.co

Still writing #ColoniesOfKobol … I’m such a juvenile at times.

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When I started writing my #BSG prequel series #ColoniesOfKobol, I didn’t think I’d be wr

When I started writing my #BSG prequel series #ColoniesOfKobol, I didn’t think I’d be writing a Middle Ages-style troubadour song with a period rhyme scheme and meter, yet here we are.

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