#color cyan


heartburn.psd {https://youtu.be/290ds–GJtk}

Coloring (29) made by Mischiefiles. I would appreciate your feedback or suggestion if you like the effect, it helps to maintain the quality. If you had any problems please contact me here.

  • Like or reblog this post if you save this file;
  • Don’t repost anywhere or claim as your own;
  • You can adjust the layers if you need to;
  • Don’t copy my file, I can recognize it if I look;

»For commercial use you must pay using points on the DeviantArt«


[This preview was made by me, but the photos are not mine and I have no intention of infringing copyright.]


Coloring (40) made by Mischiefiles. I would appreciate your feedback or suggestion if you like the effect, it helps to maintain the quality. If you had any problems please contact me here.

  • Likeorreblog this post if you save this file;
  • Don’trepost anywhere or claim as your own;
  • You can adjust the layers ifyou need to;
  • Don’t copy my file, I can recognize it if I look;

»For commercial use you must pay using points on the DeviantArt«


[This preview was made by me, but the photos are not mine its belong to the riot games and I have no intention of infringing copyright.]

coloring number 131 made by psdhampirs.you can change or add some layers as much as you need. do not

coloring number 131 made by psdhampirs.

you can change or add some layers as much as you need. do not distribute this file and do not claim it as your own. any doubts or problems using it come here and i will help you!


You must befollowing the blog and also reblog/like the post! After you’ve done it send a message asking for it and I’ll send you the link.

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