#colson baker



Col via Twitter


Col via Tik Tok



behind the scenes zine


Request - Could you please do a Strangers to Lovers au where Colson and reader wake up in a hotel room to find out that they got married the night before in a drunken haze. Maybe there’s angst at the beginning but a fluffy ending too?

Pronouns Used - She/Her

A/N - This is probably not the most accurate, as I don’t know all the laws around marriage in Nevada. This ended up way longer than I expected. Sorry this took ages, I’ve been going through a writing slump xx

Warnings - Swearing, vomit, arguing, rollercoasters

Word Count - 3574


Sunlight crept through the gap in the curtains, and onto your face waking you. You audibly groaned in pain as you opened your eyes, immediately being greeted with a wave of nausea and pain in your head. Your eyes locked onto the open bathroom door, and, making a beeline to it, you walked as fast as you could (considering your hungover state) before kneeling by the toilet and throwing up into it.

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Machine Gun Kelly and Blackbear with Whitney Hall

(She appeared in Make Up Sex live at Jimmy Kimmel)


tatty daddy

Tattoo artist Colson x Reader

S/o to @triplexdoublex for my very first request. Hope you like it!

Warnings/Tags: Smut (18+), mention of tattoo needles, swearing, fingering, squirting


Colson is not famous in this. He’s a local tattoo artist. Hope y'all enjoy!

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Col via Instagram Story


“Yeah, break up just to make up
You’re gone when I wakе up
Yeah, break up just to make up
You’re gone when I wake up”


word count: 1546

request?: yes!

Heyyy could you write a rook 18+?? Where the tension between him and the reader has been building up around the guys and they finally get to be alone and they do it and then the next day the guys are teasing him about the scratches on his back?? I loveee your writing btw and thank you for writing for all of us”

description: after a long night of releasing some built up tension, his friends notice the marks on his back and decide to make comments about it

pairing: rook x female!reader

warnings: swearing, mentioned smut (nothing too graphic in this one)

masterlist (one,two)


The tension between you and Rook had been building up for some time. Being stuck in a tour bus for days with four other guys definitely did not make it easy to have sex. At first you thought it would be easy, that soon enough you’d be getting to the next stop and to the private hotel room where you would both have so much alone time together. Little did you know, the trip from one state to the next would have numerous delays due to traffic and bad weather.

There was always the little attempts; the moments at night when they were the only two awake, the sneaking of a hand under the tour bus dining table, the awkward attempts at getting in one another’s bunks. But nothing ever truly satisfied the itch, and you were both going mad with desire.

The day the tour bus dropped you all off to the hotel you would be staying at you nearly sobbed with joy.

You followed the guys to the front desk to get the keys for your rooms. You were nearly bouncing with joy as you watched the person at the front desk pass Rook his key, and you could tell by the look on his face that he was just as excited.

“We don’t have soundcheck until tomorrow morning,” Colson was saying as you all walked to the elevator. It was small and you were all crammed close together, which meant you were so close to Rook you could feel his warmth. You were dying to get behind that hotel room door and take all of his clothes off. “So everyone enjoy your night in an actual bed and getting to use an actual shower and not having to hear AJ’s aggressive snoring.”

Everyone chuckled. The elevator doors opened and everyone filed out. Rook took your hand and basically dragged you towards the hotel room. You giggled as you watched him fumble with his keycard before finally opening the door. You both rushed in and the minute the door was closed, Rook was shoving you against it and pressing his lips on yours.

You were both too needy for foreplay and before you knew it, your clothes were on a pile on the floor and Rook was on top of you.

You spent your entire time up until Rook had to leave for soundcheck in bed together. You’d take some time to rest before going into another intense round of sex.

At some point you both decided to get a shower. You took your time under the hot water, lathering your hair with the hotel shampoo then letting the bubbles and the hot water cascade over your body while Rook watched. When it was hit turn to step under the water, you gasped.

“What?” he asked.

“Your back!” you said between giggles.

“What about it?”

“I, uh, I left some…marks.”

Rook pulled back the shower curtain so he could peak out into the mirror. There were a number of bright red scratch marks lining his back in perfect curved lines. He turned to face you and you both started laughing.

“Do they hurt?” you asked as you poked one of them.

“Not really,” he said. “I mean, I felt it when you were clawing back there, but it didn’t feel like it would leave actual marks. Do you think they’ll last long?”

You shrugged. “I’ve never left those kinds of marks on anyone before.”

He smirked at you. “I guess I made you feel really good then, huh?”

You playfully pushed his head back so the water was running down directly on his face.

The next morning, you were reluctant to let Rook get up.

“I gotta go to work,” he said as he tried to pull away from you again.

“I know but that sounds so lame. Can’t you just stay in bed with me till the show?”

“Trust me, I really wish I could.”

You pouted as he pulled himself from your grasp. He chuckled and leaned down to kiss your pouty lips. “I’ll be back in a few hours, I promise.”

You sighed and let him go. It’s not like it was a big deal to you. Until he got back, you had the big hotel bed to yourself, as well as the big hotel bathtub. You were excited to get in that thing and use the jets. Maybe it wasn’t such a bad thing to let Rook leave.

He quickly got dressed in a pair of sweatpants and a muscle shirt. He rushed out of the room just in time to meet up with the rest of the guys as they made their way towards the elevator.

“About time you showed up,” Slim teased. “We were gonna leave without you.”

“You assholes didn’t even knock on my door,” Rook said, giving his friend a shove as the elevator doors opened.

“We were afraid of what we’d hear if we came near the door,” Colson said.

“Hey, if y’all stick around to hear anything, that’s on you.”

The doors closed and they continued their friendly bickering until they got to the lobby. It was easy to tell that the time to themselves, even just for a night, had definitely helped them. They were all energetic and ready for the soundcheck, and for the show that night.

They arrived and started to set up the stage. Rook was stood with his back to the guys, setting up his drum kit, when he heard one of them yell out, “Holy fuck, look at Rook’s back!”

He quickly turned around before the rest of the attention could be drawn to him, but it was too late. All eyes were on him, with Colson being the original perpetrator.

“Bro, what happened?” he asked.

“Nothing,” Rook said quickly, which was a bad idea since the guys definitely knew it wasn’t nothing.

“You have, like, bright ass red lines on your back,” Colson continued. “Are you good?”

“I’m fine,” Rook said with a shrug. “It’s nothing.”

“Bright red lines?” Baze asked with a knowing smirk. “Lemme see them.”

“Man, fuck off,” Rook said, batting Baze away as he reached for his shirt. “It’s nothing. Leave me alone you weirdos.”

“Not until we see what’s going on with your back,” Baze challenged.

Rook rolled his eyes and turned around, pulling his shirt up for the added effect of letting them see his entire back. The guys exclaimed as they saw the scratches, which caused Rook to chuckle a little.

“There, you guys happy?” he asked as he lowered his shirt again.

“Damn, man, tell (Y/N) she gotta cut her finger nails or something,” Slim said.

“You must’ve been giving it to her good for those lines to still be there,” AJ added.

“Yo, fuck off. I’m not telling you idiots about my sex life,” Rook said, although he had a slight smile on his face. “Go get your shit together for the soundcheck. I don’t wanna be here all day cause you guys don’t know how to please your women.”

The guys all shouted their own protests, but went to continue setting up anyways.

Rook was glad when the soundcheck ended. As much as he loved his job, all he wanted was to get back to you. He couldn’t wait to slip back into bed with you for a few hours before the two of you went to the show that night.

When he got back to the hotel room, he found you relaxing in the bath tub. You were up to your neck in warm water and bubbles you had found in the cupboard under the sink. When you heard the hotel room door open, you looked up at Rook and smiled.

“Hey babe. How was the soundcheck?” you asked.

“It went really well,” he responded. “We’re gonna kill the show tonight.”

“As you do every night.”

He made quick work of shedding himself of his clothes. You giggled as he got into the bath tub across from you, tangling your legs together as you sat on opposite ends.

“How’s your back?” you asked him.

Rook groaned and rolled his eyes. “It was the center of attention today.”

You furrowed your eyebrows together. “What do you mean?”

“I mean that shirt I wore didn’t cover as much as I thought it did and the guys saw the marks.”

You threw your head back and let out a laugh. “Really? Damn, I wish I could’ve seen their reations. What did they say?”

“They tried to make jokes about it, but I shut them down real quick. Reminded them that these marks are just a side effect of making you feel good.”

You smiled as you felt his hand trailing up your leg under the water. “How long do we have until the show tonight?”

“Long enough for you to put more marks on me,” he responded.

You wasted no time in crossing the tub, causing water to spill out over the sides onto the floor, and straddling his lap. You attached your lips to his, kissing him deeply and passionately as you lowered yourself onto him, knowing that by the time he was finished with you, he wouldn’t be the only one with marks on him.

Today I found this old picture in my gallery.Maybe some of you believe EST is just bullshit,but it ain’t. I think the greatest thing a man can do,is to unite people between music.Especially broken people. Because that’s what many of us are:broken.It always been difficult for me to find a comfortable place in this world,but MGK helped me. I was just in middle school when I first heard his music. I listened every album,read every lyric,over and over. And I realized that he could truly understand me,that maybe I wasn’t the only one who felt that anger,that sadness. It was like i had finally found a real friend. Even if he didn’t know me,it was like he always did. Initially,I admit,it was kinda difficult to understand the EST meaning. Behind a symbol,behind three letters,there was a community and a pure equality concept that I loved and I love also right now. I know you cannot understand,I know you think that is crazy to believe EST is like a second (or first for many)family,but some things are just the way they are.
