#colson baker mob au


A/N: Hey guys! Here’s chapter 4! Hope you like it!

Warnings: Alcohol consumption, Weed usage

Words: 4,269

Italian Translations:  andrá tutto bene - Everything will be fine ~  Non sono ubriaco - I’m not drunk ~  Dio non voglia - God forbid

Moodboard made by me, none of the pictures are mine


When Slim, AJ, and Baze boarded the plane, they indeed stopped by Giacomo and Marciano to speak with them. Their own men bristled at the seeming disrespect, but Slim maintained an air of confidence and merely chuckled when they blocked his path to Giacomo. Slim smirked and said, “I need to speak with your boss.”

“I’ll give him the message. What do you have to say?” One of the men asked. Slim smirked and said, “Oh, it’s for you as well. Better if you all hear it.”

Baze shifted to be able to see past the men, locking eyes with Giacomo and gave a polite smile as he said, “If and when you’d like to speak with Don Romano, you and your men will bring the request us. Not to him.”

Marciano was visibly agitated by the order, but Giacomo placed a hand on his son’s shoulder, not looking away from Baze as he matched the polite smile, and said, “Thank you. I will be sure to oblige.”

Slim bowed his head in respect and moved along, down to the back of the plane. AJ and Baze followed suit, not speaking to the De Luca men as they passed, lining themselves to block Colson as they sat down. Marciano glared at the men as they passed, waiting until they had sat down and were talking amongst themselves to turn to his father and say, “How can you let them disrespect you like that? What authority do they have-?”

“It was a message from Don Romano. That is authority enough, Marciano.” Giacomo said harshly, giving him a look. Marciano blinked, surprised his father was defending the young don. The young man shifted in his seat, clearing his throat as he said, “I wasn’t aware you sympathized with him.”

“You wouldn’t, Marciano, now would you? The d’Este bastard has blinded you to your own family.” Giacomo said, narrowing his eyes at him. “Remember where your loyalties lie, my son. It is not with them.”

Marciano dipped his head down, showing respect and regret to his father, then turned to look out the window as the plane took off. Giacomo glanced down the aisle of the plane to Colson, watching them all for a moment before turning to smile at the stewardess as she came to take their orders.

“Do you think he’s going to come back here? It’s not a long flight.” Slim said, tearing his gaze away from the De Luca’s and looking back at his boss. Colson sipped his drink and smirked, giving a brief shrug.

“He might. But I never specified that stood for only the plane ride, did I?” Colson replied. Slim smirked as AJ and Baze exchanged looks and chuckled. He let his men have their moment before he added, “When we get back to Catania tonight, I’ll explain it all. But Giacomo has literally handed me a power I’d never thought I’d have over d’Este. I intend to see how serious he is about it before I make any move.”

“What about Marciano? Him and Enzio are fucking butt buddies. He’d never turn against him.” Baze said. Colson tilted his head and watched the young De Luca as he struck up a conversation with his men.

“Apparently, they’re not as close as we thought. Marci doesn’t know about everything Enzio has done…” Colson’s eyes flickered between his men as he lowered his voice and said, “Like killing Cosmio.”

“Everyone knows he did that.” AJ piped up, softly. “Shit, we knew he did it before he knew he was going to do it. Everyone knows he’s the go to hitman.”

Colson shrugged and said, “Well, Giacomo must have kept it from his son. Cosmio was his fucking cousin for Christ’s sake. If Marciano knew he killed him, I’d have no respect for him if he stayed friends with d’Este.” He took another sip of his drink and sat back, watching as Giacomo stood, waving his men off as he made his way to the back of the plane. Slim saw the smirk spread across Colson’s face and turned. AJ and Baze stood while Slim remained seated as the Don reached them.

“Don De Luca. What can I do for you?” Slim asked, laying a leg over his knee and folding his hands in his lap, smiling politely. Giacomo smiled at the men and said, “I’d like a word with your boss…In private, if we could?”


Atta forced herself to smile and have fun in town with Carina and Maddelena. The pair dragged Atta all over, into every store. They stopped at a cafe for lunch and snacked as they shopped, then finally ended the night at dinner on the water. Carina and Maddelena sat together and chatted away with their phones, now that they could sit down and unwind with a glass of wine. A content smile sat on Atta’s lips as she gazed out over the ocean, the pleasant sea breeze playing with her hair.

“Josie.” The firm tone that said her name jolted her out of her own head and she turned to her friends. Both girls giggled and exchanged looks, prompting Atta to smile a little more and give a soft chuckle of her own as she asked, “What? What did I miss?”

“Atta, we’ve been calling you.” Carina said with a chuckle, handing her phone over to her. “Look what your brother sent me.”

Atta chuckled and shook her head, lightly, taking the phone. Carina and Rook, just like Atta and Colson, had always been attracted to each other. Only in Rook’s case, he was allowed to court Carina. Early last year, John sat his son down and made it clear to him exactly who he was courting.

Carina was the only family member left of the Greco clan, save her grandfather; Elder and Don Alessandro Greco. The Greco line ended when Carina’s father and brother were killed in a drive by; An act of retaliation from Martel Muller after the XX retaliated for the attempt on Colson and Cosmio’s life. Carina was extremely lucky, and very grateful, that Alessandro had his eye on Rook to marry his granddaughter anyway.

I have some thing for you, come to Marsala tonight?” Atta read aloud, then gave Carina a look accompanied by a knowing smirk. With a chuckle, breaking her facade, she handed the phone back and said, “Do you think he’s going to propose?”

Carina giggled and shrugged. She sipped her wine as she reached for her phone, taking a moment to reply to Rook. Atta and Maddelena exchanged looks and chuckled. Carina looked up, looking between the both of them with a wide smile as she set her phone down. “What? I don’t know. Maybe? I wouldn’t be surprised. Rook said John mentioned something about announcing his engagement at either his party or the joint party.”

Atta sighed and cast her gaze down, staring at the menu. Maddelena watched her cousin. “Atta, andrá tutto bene. You’re not choosing a husband at the party. It’s just the presentation of suitors.” She said, closing her menu and setting it aside. Maddelena and Carina both reach for the bread and oil as Atta sighed and shook her head.

“Yes, Madde. But then, I’m put under scrutiny. Everything I do will be watched. I’ll have to stay in Marsala so the elders can watch my interactions with the sons. Then they’ll all be in my ear telling me what to do and who to choose. I’m not happy for it. Any of it.” Atta spat out in a rapid slur of frenzied Italian and passion. When she looked up at her friends, they both were slowly picking at the bread on their plates and watching her. Atta cracked a smile and picked at her napkin as she muttered. “Non sono ubriaco…”

The pair chuckled at their friend, breaking out in playful Italian jabs as their waiter approached. He gave the group a warm smile and asked, “Buona sera. What can I get you tonight?”

As Carina gave her order and Maddelena quickly scanned the menu once more, Atta glanced around the restaurant. She saw a few familiar faces that made the corners of her mouth lift up slightly. But it was the figure with a grey trenchcoat at the back that struck her most. Especially when she saw the dark shades that covered his eyes. The sun had long since set so no one should have been wearing sunglasses. It seemed that one the figure realized his presence was noticed by her, he quickly shuffled along the back fence where he stood and quickly left the restaurant.

“And for you, Singora Cappelletti?” The waiter’s voice brought her attention to him, scrambling for her menu to answer him. He jotted down her order, gave them all a polite smile and said, “Grazie. Your food will be out shortly.”

He gave a small bow to Atta as he walked away. Atta sighed and sat back, fingering her wine glass as she stared at it. Carina snacked on the refilled bread as she smiled and sat back, texting with Rook. Maddelena set down her phone and looked up to start a conversation, but stopped when she saw the look on Atta’s face.

“Cousin. What is it? There’s something else bothering you.” Maddelena said. Atta shifted, sitting a little straighter in her seat and sat forward, glancing between both women. She took a deep breath before she said, “I ended things with Colson.”

Carina snorted in her drink and Maddelena inhaled the piece of bread she chewed on as she gasped. Atta rolled her eyes and tried to hide a smile as her friends pulled themselves together. Maddelena gulped down her water, coughing a few more times, while Carina wiped her face and said, “Um, I-I’m sorry. You-You did what?”

“With the party coming up, I didn’t want to risk exposing us. Daddy would kill him, the Dons would be pissed, and the elders would remove him. Not that who I fuck is any of their business anyway…” Atta said, sitting back. Maddelena cleared her throat one last time before she spoke.

“Wait. So…It’s over over? Fuck, I thought you two would at least attempt to make a case to the elders.” Maddelena said. Atta merely shook her head and sighed.

“It would be useless. They would still punish him for fooling around with me without Daddy’s blessing. God, this whole thing is bullshit. They shouldn’t be presenting their sons for marriage, they should present them for fucking adoption! Then Rook would have a second and I can live my life in peace.” Atta said.

“Between the party, actually choosing, then the actual wedding? Atta, things might change. You and Colson belong together just as much as me and Rook or Madde and Cosmio.” Carina said. She hesitated and prayed the guilt she felt showed enough as she managed to get out, “Dio non voglia…If something happens to John-”

Atta shook her head with a chuckle. “Rook still can’t do shit. The elders will probably kill Rook if he tried. John has already spoken to us about it. Not to mention the Dons would riot and demand his removal. Colson would have to kill them all; the elders, the Dons, their families, if we wanted to get married.” She said. Atta gave a soft sigh and added, “That or he would have to turn the Dons on the elders or somehow get them to like him.”

Maddelena waved a hand at Carina as she opened her mouth to respond and set down her glass. “No. No more. We are done talking about this. This entire situation is complete bullshit and I’m sick of seeing you upset like this.” She said. “You have been getting more and more depressed since John told you about this three months ago. Colson’s been gone for four. You shouldn’t have been forced to fuck up your reunion like this. I’m tired of seeing you hurt.”

Atta blinked at her cousin as Carina snickered softly. Atta slowly broke a smile and began chuckling, meeting Carina’s gaze as they chuckled together. Just like Atta at meetings, it wasn’t often that Maddelena spoke up, but when she did, she was heard. Maddelena’s anger faded as she also broke out in a smile and giggles.

“Okay, Madde. We hear you.” Atta chuckled, reaching over to give her hand a small, comforting squeeze. Maddelena smiled and gave a squeeze back.

“I’m sorry, but they can’t treat us like their own daughters way back when. Things have changed.” Maddelena said.

“I agree. But they’re old Italians. They’re more stubborn than a mule.” Atta said with a chuckle. As they spoke, their waiter came back over with their food and they put their conversation on hold for a moment, thanking the waiter when he was done. “If talking about it upsets you, Madde, I won’t bring it up anymore. Besides, I need a goddamn miracle to get out of this marriage.”


Colson motioned for his men to give them a little more privacy, though they only moved one row up. Giacomo took the seat across from Colson as he tried to keep his smirk from showing too much.

“What can I do for you, Giacomo?” Colson asked, lifting his glass to his lips and taking a sip.

Giacomo chuckled softly before he said, “There is no need to hide behind pleasantries here, Colson. We both want the d’Este’s out of power and for things to be run as they were before.”

“No.” Colson said, setting down his glass. “Not as they were before. My uncle had plans past installing the girls, you know this. Plans to go beyond Tomasso’s original goals. If you want me to take down the d’Estes for you, I’ll do it. But if you’re giving me that power, I’m using it. For too long, I’ve been cast aside because of stubborn, close-minded men. Too long I’ve been kept from my goddamn birthright. That is all going to change if you side with me, De Luca. This is my family. And I’m going to take it back.”

Giacomo watched the young Don closely as he spoke. When Colson finished and sat back, picking up his glass again, he chuckled and smirked at him, rubbing a hand over his chin as he sat back as well. “And, uh, if there are some Dons who will not agree with you on these changes?”

“I’ll already be in power. My grandfather gave them their positions and wealth…His grandson can certainly take it from them.” Colson said, evenly, meeting the man’s gaze. He did not return Giacomo’s smirk, instead stared intensely at him, showing he would not be swayed. “I’ve bowed to lesser men my whole life. If you aid me in getting it back, trust me, the gratitude will not be lost. But don’t think to double cross me, Giacomo. No matter what, John has the last word. He’ll seek revenge for me.”

Colson’s words didn’t seem to rattle the old man, as Giacomo simply chuckled then stood. Colson raised an eyebrow, but stood as well, taking the hand Giacomo offered and shook it. The Don kept a firm grip on Colson’s hand and said, “I see much of your father in you, Colson. When we return to Catania, we will speak further.”

Colson nodded and said, “My home is always open to you, Don De Luca.”

“My gratitude, Don Romano.” Giacomo said. He finally released his hand and turned to walk back to his own family. As he passed, AJ, Baze, and Slim all bowed their heads in respect before retaking their seats closer to Colson.

“What did he say?” Slim asked. Colson smirked and sat back, taking a sip from his glass.

“Not much. But I think we understand each other.” Colson said. “Call Dub in from London. I want him at the house before we get back.”

“Dub? Why? What’s going on?” Baze asked.

“We will be entertaining the De Luca family tonight. Dub can take a break from his London crew. I want all my men there.” Colson said. He looked at AJ and added, “You and Dub will be in charge. I want Baze and Slim with me. I’m sure Giacomo and I will be in the office for most of the time.”

“So, it went well. The talk?” Slim asked, casting a cursory glance at the other two. Colson smirked and finished his drink. He didn’t want to tell his men just yet, not until he had vetted De Luca entirely and was certain of De Luca’s allegiance.

“Yes. It went well.” Was all Colson said.


When they landed in Rome, it was a quick trip to the Castel where the cardinals and bishops were already waiting. Thankfully, each Don had their own car and Colson was able to spark up a quick joint before they arrived. It settled him enough to be able to endure the interviews, but the moment they stepped foot in the room and all the bishops and cardinals turned to look at them, Colson tensed and wanted to bolt.

He wasn’t comfortable being around so many holy men. Religion wasn’t something he wholey believed in, but he bowed his head for Grace and muttered along in church when he was required to attend. Other than that, he all but shunned the church which gave the Dons another reason to dislike him.

As Colson was the Don sent by John, Giacomo and the De Lucas stayed behind him and his men to let the cardinals greet him first. One of the cardinals approached and said, “Don Romano. It is a pleasure to have you in Rome.”

“Cardinal Vecchio.” Colson said, extending his hand to take the Cardinal’s. Cardinal Vecchio bent to kiss the ring on Colson’s right ring finger; the ring of the Romanos of Catania. In turn, Colson then took the cardinal hand and kissed his ring as well. Cardinal Vecchio moved through Colson’s men, each of them kissing the ring with a respectful ‘Your Eminence’. As Vecchio moved on, so did the other cardinals and bishops to greet the men.

Once the greetings were finished, Cardinal Vecchio led Colson and Giacomo to their seats, their men lining themselves behind the chairs. The remaining cardinals and bishops took their seats, save Vecchio.

“We understand the young Cappaallettis are to be married. Please pass our blessings and congratulations to Don Cappalletti.” He said, pressing his hands together and bowing his head. Colson nodded.

“Thank you, Your Eminence. I shall pass along the message.” He said. Colson raised his voice a little louder as he addressed the room. “You are all well aware of why we meet here today. Singor Cappalletti wishes to have a cardinal officiate his daughter’s wedding. He will accept a bishop, but it is my decision on who will be chosen. We will call each of you to the seat in front of us and ask a few questions. Cardinal Vecchio. Since you are without a seat, shall we begin with you?”

“Of course.” Cardinal Vecchio bowed his head and took a seat as the long process began. Colson and Giacomo interviewed the cardinals and bishops, each asking their own questions and discussing between the two of them. Colson knew that Rook and Atta would doubtfully have a joint wedding; A joint everything else in their life was enough. John gave only the best for his Mafia Princess. Armed with that knowledge, Colson took an early lead while interviewing the cardinals, though gave De Luca room for his input. He had Atta’s voice in the back of his mind, not just the fight, but her comment that John wanted a cardinal at her wedding.

Colson knew sending him to Rome was a test for him, to see how well he could do choosing an a bishop or cardinal for Atta’s wedding that wasn’t to him. If he couldn’t be impartial and keep his cool on this simple task, he knew he wouldn’t end up being invited at all. Atta would never forgive him if he sabotaged himself and wasn’t there, so Colson sat there, going through the monotony of questions until another thought sprang to his mind.

John was careful in selecting who showed up that day. Colson noted the Archbishop of Palermo, and the Sicilian representative, was the only low ranking holy man there, and he was there solely for being their island’s bishop. Each cardinal and bishop held loyalty to one of the XX families. It was Colson’s curse that the d’Este’s held control in Palermo, their home. While Vecchio was the most logical choice for both ceremonies, being unwavering in his loyalty to the Cappalletti family, if Atta was, as she made it seem, going to be forced to choose d’Este, the bishop would also be chosen by force. Unable to keep his disdain for the bishop from his questions for the moment, Colson let Giacomo take the lead while he sat back and listened.

“…And my final question, Archbishop; Will you be performing any personalized rituals for Donna Cappalletti and her new husband?” Giacomo asked, looking up at the bishop from the paper he read. He removed his reading glasses and folded them up as the bishop spoke.

“In my time as Archbishop of Palermo I have performed every d’Este wedding. I include every family tradition and ritual they ask. I use the same rituals in every ceremony in Palermo.” He explained. The answer received the murmur of approval from his fellow clergymen and seemed to satisfy Giacomo, but it struck Colson as odd.

“Thank you, Your Grace.” Giacomo cleared his throat and folded up his paper. “Don Romano will now ask his questions.”

The archbishop bowed his head then turned to look at Colson. Colson shifted in his seat, sitting a little straighter but still with a slight lean. “You’ve said you use these rituals in every wedding in Palermo, Your Grace.” Colson stated simply, if only to ease into his line of questioning while trying to seem unbiased.

“Yes. I do. It became a fashion for my people. I am here only to serve.” He said with a polite smile. Colson nodded.

“We do not yet know who Singora Cappalletti will marry, so there is always room for changes…However, if the wedding is not in Palermo…” Colson started, leaving the atmosphere to tense slightly. He saw the archbishop’s eyes widen and his body tense, his polite smile now stiff and frozen in place. A few cardinals glanced at each other and whispered. Colson heard a soft laugh come from Giacomo and he glanced around the room before he added, “Will you still hold these rituals? If she does not marry a d’Este it may seem odd to have Palermo observed but not the newlyweds home.”

“If the wedding does not take place in Palermo…” The archbishop started, clearing his throat. “Then I shall perform as Don Cappalletti wishes.”

Colson could hardly keep the smirk from crossing his face as he leaned forward and asked, “And what of his daughter? It is her wedding after all. What of her wishes?”

“Yes, yes. As la principessa wishes, of course.” The archbishop said with an unsure chuckle. Colson stared at the bishop, taking his time to let the moment resonate with him before he said, “Very well. Thank you, Your Grace. You may take your seat.”

Colson sat back as the holy man quickly shuffled along to his seat and Cardinal Vecchio stepped forward. “I hope me and my colleagues have answered your questions to your satisfaction.” He said as he approached the Dons. “We shall expect an answer presently?”

Giacomo turned to Colson, waiting for his response. Colson glanced at him, then turned to the cardinal and said, “This is not simply a wedding of the family. It is the wedding. Two of them, in fact. It is not a decision that should be made in haste, nor without the input of both the young Cappalletti’s but their father as well. If Don De Luca and I may be allowed to discuss with the family, we shall announce our choices in…A week’s time?”

It was not the answer any of them wanted. That much was clear and it told him everything he needed to know about how truthful Atta had been. Colson was to announce that Cardinal Vecchio and the archbishop were to be chosen, to coincide with both John’s wishes for a cardinal and the d’Estes to have their one claim to arrogance with the archbishop. But he refused to give them that satisfaction; the cardinals or the elders. There was a slight uproar in the murmuring of the disgruntled men. Cardinal Vecchio cleared his throat and the room fell silent.

“We eagerly look forward to your decision, Don Romano.” He said, bowing to them both. The other cardinals and bishops followed suit, all of them standing and bowing to the Dons. Colson scanned the room and sighed, softly. John handed him this power to choose. He only withheld his decision to have time to plan. The choice was his alone, though to prove his loyalty to the family and not his heart. Unfortunately for the Dons and the elders, in Colson’s mind, they were one in the same. It was now his time to make some moves and they would be big. For it all to go smoothly, Colson would have to plan every last detail, down to the minute. The slightest hinge could ruin him forever.


Hope you guys liked it. If you want to be added to my taglist for this and/or future MGK/Colson stories, let me know! If you have any comments, feel free!

