#comet relationships




LAST WORK FOR THE LAST DAY OF @polyshipweek! I went back to the day 6 prompt of Comets b/c it’s one of my favorite kinds of relationships.

“Look me up next time you’re in town,” Eddie had said, meaning, Thank you for not killing my bodymate and also me.

Except then Thor had. He’d shown up at Eddie’s apartment door, cheerfully booming, “Eddie Brock, I am in town again! Let us get drinks!”

So they did, and Venom had said in Eddie’s head, Your carnal feelings for him have not faded, Eddie. You should go for it, and Eddie had choked on his margarita, which had led Thor to slap him on the back in an attempt to help, and somehow that had ended with Eddie inviting Thor inside when they got back to his apartment.

Somehow whenever he’d been asked “Where do you see yourself ten years from now,” I have two alien boyfriends* had never come up.

*Boyfriend used for the sake of brevity and with full awareness that Venom does not subscribe to human notions of gender.

So now Thor comes to San Francisco in between whatever ruling what remains of Asgard entails. They go out; have long, chill, meandering conversations; and have sex that is, to understate the case significantly, mutually satisfying. The fact that Eddie never knows when it might happen next adds to the charm.

Thor has arrived, Venom announces — rather unnecessarily, given the bone-shaking thrum of a small alien shuttlecraft landing on the building roof. (Eddie’s glad the apartment building is enough of a shithole that people likely assume it’s some asshole overcranking the bass on their stereo.)

“Yeah, Vee, I hear it,” Eddie says. He pushes his window open and steps out into the fire escape. “Take us up to meet him?”

“With pleasure,” Venom says as they ripple out from under Eddie’s skin. They grab the railing of the fire escape above theirs and swing themselves up, grinning.
