#comic book wednesday


…OR “Wonder Woman OMG it’s GR8!”

It feels so good to be back on comic book Wednesday to gush over an issue of Wonder Woman! Steve Orlando put out a fine run and I’m catching up on the Witching Hour arc still, but you know that I *love* an optimistic, thoughtful Wonder Woman story full of kindness, ingenious fight sequences, and character development. This week’s issue gave me all of that!

1. Not a Grail fail in sight


Ok, so I cringed a little when I saw Grail, but GWW took all of two panels to highlight her potential as a character. Like, Grail is still smarmy and self-righteous but in the hands of a skilled writer she intrigues me!

Also, Ares–to whom Rucka gave a fitting farewell and fate–is back, and while he’s been reflecting on the nature of immoratility, he’s also had time to come up with some really effective insults (“little pimple” lololol). 

2. You’ve got to L-Etta me do this


In “Heart of the Amazon” Fontana showed us just what Rebirth!Etta could be, and I’m optimistic about how GWW will use her too (see: all of the varying, compelling friendships in Ms Marvel). In this issue, Diana and Etta are clearly on opposing sides, but I’m hoping it doesn’t undermine their friendship and sisterhood. I hope that Etta continues to play a big part in this arc!

3. JUSTICE (sans League this time)


The Big Theme GWW will tackle in this arc is the definition of justice, especially in our current political climate. She made it so clear that even a pimple (heh) like me understood. Is this topic too complicated for a comic book?! MAYBE FOR SOME, but not for a writer like Wilson. I feel #blessed that she’s on Wonder Woman, seriously. <3

Also, at the end of the day, isn’t Ares just asking “WWJD” but interpreting it the way only a Greek God would?

Stray observations:

  • I don’t want to get hecka spoiler-y, but that last panel? Does Ares look like that because he’s resurrected?
  • There are some panels where I’m obsessed with the art, and other panels where I have to take a minute to process what’s going on. The art is inconsistent, but most of it holds up, I think.
  • “Stay safe…you know what I mean.” Awwww.
  • “Do you have to be so tasteless, Cadmus.” Heh heh heh.