#comics workbook

Jackson J Edge || ShellackingMade for Comics Workbook Composition Competition 2016 Physical copies aJackson J Edge || ShellackingMade for Comics Workbook Composition Competition 2016 Physical copies aJackson J Edge || ShellackingMade for Comics Workbook Composition Competition 2016 Physical copies aJackson J Edge || ShellackingMade for Comics Workbook Composition Competition 2016 Physical copies aJackson J Edge || ShellackingMade for Comics Workbook Composition Competition 2016 Physical copies aJackson J Edge || ShellackingMade for Comics Workbook Composition Competition 2016 Physical copies aJackson J Edge || ShellackingMade for Comics Workbook Composition Competition 2016 Physical copies aJackson J Edge || ShellackingMade for Comics Workbook Composition Competition 2016 Physical copies aJackson J Edge || ShellackingMade for Comics Workbook Composition Competition 2016 Physical copies a

Jackson J Edge || Shellacking

Made for Comics Workbook Composition Competition 2016

Physical copies available September 17th as part of the anthology FANCLUB GANGMAG or as a stand alone comic on my website and at Oklahoma Zine Fest.


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comicsworkbook:Comics Workbook Composition Competition 2017 Winners Congratulations to all who crecomicsworkbook:Comics Workbook Composition Competition 2017 Winners Congratulations to all who cre


Comics Workbook Composition Competition 2017 Winners

Congratulations to all who created and submitted work for this contest. We really enjoyed reading each and every work.


FIRST PLACE - Weeklong Comics Workbook Rowhouse Residency ($500 value) 

Sienna Cittadino - Girl’s Bathroom


SECOND PLACE - $250 gift certificate at Copacetic Comics

Chris Kohler - Living Room


THIRD PLACE - $100 gift certificate at Copacetic Comics

Sara Sarmiento - Deep Clean


HONORABLE MENTIONS - $50 gift (each) at Big Planet Comics

Jillian Fleck - Push Thru

Louis Deux - Touristing

Simon Reinhardt - Slow Theft

Foxitalic - Hangover Haiku


It is our hope that all of the makers who participated in this contest have been TRANSFORMED in some way – artistically, personally, spiritually, and/or physically (improved eye-hand coordination? yes!) – by the time and energy dedicated to the creation of their submissions. Everyone who took part in this exercise has completed a hero’s journey.



The restrictions placed upon the contest entries were derived from The Santoro Correspondence Course for Comic Book Makers. It is my firmly held belief that restrictions such as the grid are ultimately freeing. I also believe that timing is the essential ingredient to making great comics. How do you study and practice timing in comics? You use the grid. Yadda yadda yadda.

**Last year a deceptively small and simple grid inspired over a hundred artists to make comics for the contest. This year we returned to the traditional 6-panel grid, and far fewer creators rose to the challenge (I think because of the larger size, ultimately). The test here really became about the timing. The zigzag of the six panel grid is very different than the scrolling of the three panel grid. A good sense of timing is the essential ingredient which leads to stronger storytelling and the six panel grid is very particular.

Also, the size that we recommended this year is what the pros used at Marvel and DC for over 25 years. “Print size layouts” and “twice up” originals. (It’s not quite “twice up” but that’s what it used too be called.) The 10 x 15 inch live area is much more work than last year’s smaller manga sized originals. So, something to think about: SCALE. And how scale changes how you make comics.

The judging panel consisted of two men and three women from diverse backgrounds. Some were comics makers, some were comics readers and one was a “non-comics reader” - meaning this particular judge was not a comics initiate.

Please see this post for information regarding this fall’s correspondence course

Thanks. - Frank Santoro

P.S. Please reblog. Thank you.

Thank you to Copacetic Comics,Big Planet Comics and the judges for contributing their efforts and financial support to make this contest possible.

And of course THANK YOU to everyone who participated. Please check out all of the entries below.

A Period Of Transition by Phillip Dokes
Allen by Doctopmaru(disqualified)
Are You Ready by G.R. Lear
Awash by John Hexer
Bloodsuckers Love Me by Jackie Kirby
Canto V by Amanda Hamilton
Columbus is Going to be Awesome by John Cihon
Deep Clean by Sara Sarmiento
Eksistensens Jeger  by Addley Walker
Force Fields by Paul
Frog Legs by MK
Girl’s Bathroom by Sienna Cittadino
Good Boy City by Jonathan Tune
Hangover Haiku by Foxitalic
Here Comes Racecar by Alexander Moser
Here’s the Light by Tor Brandt
Left Over Soup by The Formal Kid
Living Room by Chris Kohler
Look See by Kevin Zych
Meaning by Mariana Yatsuda Ikuta
Morbid Orbit by Alice Blank
Mother by Evan M. Cohen(disqualified)
Muse by Brandon Alexander Berry
Noffi by Niall Breen
Origen by Josh Bowron
Overtimers by TimersTimers and K-Un
Ping Pang by James Abbit
Push Thru by Jillian Fleck
Reaching Toward Open Sky by LM Bolger
Sandbag Spectator by Jacob Breck(disqualified)
Sea Saga by James Coats
Shop Class by Donald Price
Slow Theft by Simon Reinhardt
Soft Swords by Sam Meister
Sweet Marla by Alex Williams
Ta Ka Ra Zu Ka by Antoine Medes
Teaching English in Taiwan by Iris Yan
Tech Sector Baseball by Moose
The Room by Louise Aleksiejew
To the Mountain, On Your Own, At Night by Tanya Guryel
Tone Deaf by R.D. Addams
Touristing by Louis Deux
Two Girls and A Caricature by Ari S. Mulch
When I Grow Up by James Wilson

List of entries from 2016,2015,2014,2013



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PUSH THRU by Jillian FleckFinally a new comic!  Made for the Comics Workbook Composition CompetitionPUSH THRU by Jillian FleckFinally a new comic!  Made for the Comics Workbook Composition CompetitionPUSH THRU by Jillian FleckFinally a new comic!  Made for the Comics Workbook Composition CompetitionPUSH THRU by Jillian FleckFinally a new comic!  Made for the Comics Workbook Composition CompetitionPUSH THRU by Jillian FleckFinally a new comic!  Made for the Comics Workbook Composition CompetitionPUSH THRU by Jillian FleckFinally a new comic!  Made for the Comics Workbook Composition CompetitionPUSH THRU by Jillian FleckFinally a new comic!  Made for the Comics Workbook Composition CompetitionPUSH THRU by Jillian FleckFinally a new comic!  Made for the Comics Workbook Composition CompetitionPUSH THRU by Jillian FleckFinally a new comic!  Made for the Comics Workbook Composition Competition

PUSH THRU by Jillian Fleck

Finally a new comic!  Made for the Comics Workbook Composition Competition this year of our lord 2017. 

I honestly probably started and restarted 15 different stories, then, made one about sabotaging yourself.  HUH.

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I Got a Job by Jillian FleckFor the Comics Workbook Composition Competition 2016Amazed this comic evI Got a Job by Jillian FleckFor the Comics Workbook Composition Competition 2016Amazed this comic evI Got a Job by Jillian FleckFor the Comics Workbook Composition Competition 2016Amazed this comic evI Got a Job by Jillian FleckFor the Comics Workbook Composition Competition 2016Amazed this comic evI Got a Job by Jillian FleckFor the Comics Workbook Composition Competition 2016Amazed this comic evI Got a Job by Jillian FleckFor the Comics Workbook Composition Competition 2016Amazed this comic evI Got a Job by Jillian FleckFor the Comics Workbook Composition Competition 2016Amazed this comic evI Got a Job by Jillian FleckFor the Comics Workbook Composition Competition 2016Amazed this comic evI Got a Job by Jillian FleckFor the Comics Workbook Composition Competition 2016Amazed this comic ev

I Got a Job by Jillian Fleck

For the Comics Workbook Composition Competition 2016

Amazed this comic even happened.  I’d like to thank K. West.

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