

What is Comic Walker?

Comic Walker is an online website  that gives you the chance to read a wide variety of Manga extracts in the original Japanese, English and Chinese. Not all manga are translated equally between all three languages, but there is more than enough to keep you going for months, and the Japanese collection grows daily. Current manga include Neon Genesis Evangelion, Gundam, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, among others…!

How can Comic Walker help me learn Japanese?

Comic Walker has a huge selection of mangas in Japanese for you to browse and read for free. The whole series is not usually all available at once, so you’ll have to keep an eye on the website calendar or just jump in and read snippets.

You can set up notifications for the next time a chapter is available for the manga you are reading, as well as recommendations and personal lists. The web version is just as good and offers all the same features, but I personally prefer to read on the go.

Using ComicWalker as a resource

Not all mangas are available in both English and Japanese, so you may have some trouble checking your understanding. If you want to cross-check, you’ll have to search for both versions before you start. Here is an example below of a Sword Art Online chapter available in both languages.


Also, ComicWalker was not produced for the sole purpose of language learning, so there are no dictionaries or Kanji look-up options. However, if you want something that is free (compared to international manga shipping prices..!) then this is fantastic.

This is probably not the best app for beginners but is a great resource for intermediate-advanced learners who want some additional reading practice.

Visit the Comic Walker website HERE or download the App on iPhone or Android.


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