#commission my amazing friend




Hey, I’m going to be opening writing commissions! You can find examples of my work on my AO3

I am prepared to write both fanfiction and original stories, simply tell me what you would like me to write and how long you would like it to be and I will write it for you to the best of my ability!

Right, so let’s get down to the details:


  • $15 base cost per fic (1000 words)
  • $10 per additional 1000 words
  • $5 extra for any NSFW
  • Payment upfront by Paypal
  • Any alterations needed will be done free of charge.

Subject Matter:

Any NSFW fic will be limited to femslash requests only.

Fandoms: Overwatch, Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Critical Role & others available on request.

I will not accept work from fandoms that I have no familiarity with, as I do not feel like I could give you the standard of story that you would be looking for with no knowledge of the world or its characters.

Original works: fantasy, sci-fi, anything your heart really fancies

Will Not Write: rape, incest, pedophilia, etc.
I reserve the right to turn down any requests that I’m not comfortable with.

If you have any questions or would like to request a commission; please email me or send me an ask.

I also have a Ko-fiaccount if you would like to simply like to give me a tip for my writing.

Email:[email protected]

Edit: [email protected]

Damn that infernal typo!

