#common words



You ever just… Read/hear an ordinary everyday word/term, something you’ve read/heard a million times your whole life… but then, for whatever reason, that time you actually really pay attention to it and notice… Idk notice what it is? Maybe how silly it is, how cute it is, how weirdly straightforward or descriptive it is, or just the opposite?

Anyway so I just realized that fire hydrant is literally just… A thing that “hydrates” fire.

Because of course that’s the problem, the fire is thirsty is all!!

Why isn’t a tap called a human hydrant?

This is like that time some years ago that I noticed that manger, like from the Christmas Bible story, was manger, as in the French verb “to eat”. Bc it was a food trough, like what animals eat out of.

I was raised hardcore Catholic and am half French Canadian yet didn’t notice this until I was 23 and pet sitting a rabbit.

You ever just… Read/hear an ordinary everyday word/term, something you’ve read/heard a million times your whole life… but then, for whatever reason, that time you actually really pay attention to it and notice… Idk notice what it is? Maybe how silly it is, how cute it is, how weirdly straightforward or descriptive it is, or just the opposite?

Anyway so I just realized that fire hydrant is literally just… A thing that “hydrates” fire.

Because of course that’s the problem, the fire is thirsty is all!!

Why isn’t a tap called a human hydrant?
