#compassion fatigue


“The overwork and short staffing of the pandemic has affected veterinarians as much as it has other doctors and nurses, and dealing with the constant moral dilemmas and emotional output is driving many to burn out. At the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals’ veterinary hospital in San Francisco, so many vets and technicians have left that the clinic has had to cut back its hours, says veterinarian Kathy Gervais.”






Look up Compassion Fatigue. We are getting barraged with so much bad crap that we are developing a condition which, until recently, was mostly found among medical personnel, police, fire fighters, social workers and other people who deal with horrifying things on regular basis.

I’m not looking up shit, did u hear the post

I just completely stopped watching or reading the news and I’m all better. I don’t know shit about whats happening in the world, just like a 16th century peasant in a small french village, and I gotta tell you, I’m doing great!

“While we may fantasize about our care as limitless–and it may even be so, in a spiritual sense–in our daily lives, most of us run up against the fact that care, too, is an economy, with limits and breaking points.”

-Maggie Nelson, from On Freedom: Four Songs of Care and Constraint
