

Here is (most) of my desktop.  Here are some things I do to make sure I stay on top of everything and make things easier for myself, especially since the switch to fully online.

Post-it notes.  Keep one for each class and maybe one extra for a ‘to do’ list so all of it is in one spot.  On these notes, I have class time, days when things are due, and extra notes like ‘Exam monday’ for my Neuro class.  If I scroll down in my notes, you can see in the expanded purple one, I have most of a header typed out.


Class  (maybe adding course numbers if prof wants)


(Date goes here)

I just copy and paste.  Super easy, don’t have to remember course name or prof name.  Boom.

Continuing, I have the prof’s (and TA’s) emails.  Stop searching for them every time something goes wrong.  Boom, right there.

On the Spanish one, I have all the possible accented letters and the upside down ! ? so I never have to search for them on google and I don’t have to learn how to type them in Word.  Boom, right there.  Highlight, copy, paste.

Under each post-it note I have important documents.  Of course the folder for the class is first, but then documents I use on a very regular basis, or that are upcoming projects.

Under sleep class is the folder, then a templet for discussion boards I copy and paste at least twice a week, and the next discussion post that will be summited in a few days but I’m already done it so I dont have to dig through a million of my other posts to find the right one.  It’s right there.  To make this even easier, I put my default ‘save location’ as my desktop.  You can always move it later, but I’ve lost files because of weird default save locations I couldn’t find.

Also, in spanish, I made a sheet full of important, and hard to remember, conjugations and grammar rules.

Easy to find what I need.  I have one for spanish one (on the bottom of my desktop) also.

Lastly, put your last name on the beginning of EVERY PAPER YOU TURN IN.  If you have a common last name, I would recommend also putting first name or initial to make it easy on the prof to sort through files without having to open them.  If my last name was Smith, EVERY file I turn it is ‘Smith Discussion board 3′.  ‘Smith HW 3′.  ‘Smith, Damien Article Critique’.  It will make it so much easier on your prof and your assignment is harder to get lost in the millions of others or mixed up with another students.  The only problem with that is your folders might get a bit mixed up since all of the documents start with the same thing, it might mess up alphabetically (I have noticed, but not too severe).

Anyway, those are things that make school just a touch easier, so feel free to share and try them out.  Tell me what you think.
