#comte x you




a/n: My dear Chase, this may come as a surprise since it’s been so long since you sent me your request! I know you like some angst in your reads, so I hope it’s to your liking! I combined the original prompt with one from @xxsycamore’s and @chaosangel767‘s Valentine event prompts, which greatly inspired me to write this story.

Wordless “I love you” Prompts #15: Calming them down when they have a bad dream

+Be My Valentine Feb 11 Prompt: Dancing with each other while no one is around

[Requested by];  @crystal13unny

[Characters]: You, Comte

[Word count]: ~800 words

[Tags]: established relationship, fluff, comfort, lil angsty Comte


The scratching sound of the fountain pen was le Comte’s only companion in his room, at the late hour he dedicated to responding to his letters. The stack beside him hailed from all sorts of connections he had made—some during the 19th century and some even older. The routine of it became a chore to him, but one that he intended to keep. Le Comte reminisced back to a time when receiving a letter was the highlight of his day, especially one that arrived from a friend abroad.

As time passed beyond the span of a human lifetime, his enthusiasm for letters from his human connections waned. More times than he would like to admit, letters from so-and-so friend would cease to arrive without explanation; or rather, without written explanation. How bittersweet it had become for him to wait for a response. The more he looked forward to it, the stronger his was his grief when it never arrived. He would learn through experience that he would rather hold onto the hope of waiting than to seek the reason for their discontinued contact.

Ink dripped from le Comte’s pen, hovering frozen in place above the letter. He would need to restart, but he could not stand being in the room that had overfilled with his sorrowful thoughts. A change of scenery was in order.

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This is so sweet aaaaa

The way he calmed MC down when she hà a bad dream is perfectly his style
