




A gender that is intentionally confusing, like a mirror maze.

Please read my DNI before using this term/interacting.

Requested by anon on @rozthegendervast!

Colours have no particular meaning, and were picked from images of mirror mazes!

[Image I.D.: Three flags. They are all similar. The first flag has eight horizontal stripes. The stripe colours are split in half diagonally from bottom left to top right. The colours in the left diagonal half are, from top to bottom, very dark magenta, purple, blue, mint green, light grey, grey, dark grey and black. The right diagonal half is the same, but flipped vertically. The flag has a drawing of a mirror in the centre. The mirror is a grey rectangle with white lines across it diagonally, and a black border. The second flag is identical to the first, but without the mirror. The third flag is a simplified version of the first two. It has eight diagonal stripes, in the same colours. From top to bottom, the colours are very dark magenta, purple, blue, mint green, light grey, grey, dark grey and black. End I.D.]
