#congrats again



Milestone unlocked! Well, kind of. It’s probably really not that important, but it still feels nice. I am way too mature (read as: old) (lol) to obsess over a meaningless number. Because I know that a lot of those 500 accounts that follow me are fake, dead or simply bots. But to those that are not, those that have real people behind them, those that like/ reblog/ reply/ dm/ send asks: Thank you!

I am always delighted to see the little numbers above the notes counter. I am amazed that people actually like what I have to say or show. And what usually makes my day are those extremely entertaining tags, whether they are funny or just lusting after Martin. xD Yea, because this blog is 99% about Martin Freeman now. It wasn’t when I created this tumblr back in 2010 (yep, I am that ancient), but it certainly is now. In case you haven’t noticed. ;)

So, when I revived this blog after a 6 year hiatus (actually even a bit more than that, but I managed a few posts in early 2015 ^^ ) in February 2021 , I never imagined that I would stick around. Let alone be as active as I am now. And I never would have thought to meet some genuinely nice people here. And even if I don’t follow back all of you (because a day only has 24h and the sheer amount of posts would drown me): I see you! I see all your reblogs and likes and replies and funny tags. And it makes me happy to maybe brighten your day a little bit. You certainly brightened mine.

Ok, this sounds really cheesy now. I better stop before I say something that makes me look really stupid… well, it’s probably too late for that anyways.

Just another quick Thank you because I really mean it. :)

Congratulations!!! ❤️


everyone’s like “see ukraine won because of pity” … as if that was a problem. like the songs a banger but even if other countries felt bad for them and voted so???? your point being? the countries being destroyed and ppl die because of the war CANT they have at least a little happiness?? what’s so bad about that??? there is literally no other country that deserved that win more


GENERATING YOUR MATCH … .@kisakiapologist


Mystic’s 1k followers writing challenge!

Thank you all so much for 1,000 followers! I never thought I’d ever reach this milestone, so thank you all again for getting me here. I struggled with deciding what to do for a celebration, so after I got some feedback from people on what to do, I decided to do a writing challenge! This is my first time doing something like this, so I hope people enjoy it!

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congratulations hailey!! aa you are a fantastic writer and i am so proud of you for 1k! i have just sent in an ask and i would highly recommend to all writers who see this to do so as well. sending you much love xo

chayscribbles:chayscribbles’ monthly writing update ☆ june 2021 ☆ STATISTICS.words written: 7531


chayscribbles’ monthly writing update ☆ june 2021


  • words written: 7531
  • projects worked on: Andromeda Rogue and sequel; FinnPetra Flower Shop AU
  • proudest accomplishment: finishing a motherfucking draft *dabs*


  • the only reason my word count is lower compared to previous months this year is because as soon as i finished AR’s draft i began a monthlong break from serious drafting that will end on July 13th
  • i’m hoping to use this time to rest my brain and work on some of my other hobbies such as drawing more (sidenote, i’ve signed up for art fight, i have no idea how much i’ll end up participating but here’s my profile if anyone else is doing it), or crocheting (i’m making a blanket in the bi flag colours lol), or READING, which i sorely need to start doing more of again lmao
  • and then a few days ago i got antsy from not writing so i dusted off and picked up my flower shop AU i hadn’t touched since december 2020, but that’s self-indulgent writing, not serious drafting, so i’m allowed to do that on my break, right?

more specific wip-related comments + featured excerpt below.

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