#controlled opposition








Motherfucker,YOU lead to Charlottesville! What are you talking about???

Racist guy: “wow someone should do something about all this racism”

Hahaha what a skunk, we did fine when we didn’t even let him enter Hungary some years ago

The other time he was allowed in the police arrested him shortly afterwards :D

He’s a fed

Of course he is, he is controlled opposition

Does Bernie represent me?

I know I seem to be harping on this topic, but the truth is, we need these Berners to be awakened, so here I go again!

Kacey said about Bernie:

“It’s all of his years focus(ing) on the issues, his persona that is unique and he represents us.”

(Apologies to my frequent readers for any repetitions of the same facts over and over again, ad infinitum!)

I replied:

Please define the “us” that Bernie represents.

I am sure he doesn’t represent Greens who promote diplomacy. Instead he voted for every military budget but one since the 90s.

Bernie spread lies about Assad, to try and gin up support for an illegal invasion of a sovereign nation’s airspace. That doesn’t “represent” ME!

Bernie spreads lies about Russian influence on our elections, just so Hillary can save face, despite the fact that it’s been OVER TWO YEARS, and there is STILL no indisputable forensic evidence that Russians influenced a single vote. That’s not representing ME!

Bernie spread LIES about me and 15 million other DemExiters, saying we were influenced by Russian trolls who went on Bernie FB pages and said “horrible things” about Saint Hillary! That’s not representing ME.

I left the party because Hillary did actually DO things like have people put PORN on a dozen big Bernie FB pages on the eve of an important Super Tuesday - knocking them offline for 12 hours. Now that REALLY HAPPENED - while the story that I and others were easily swayed to disfavor Hillary because of Russian influence, (i.e. we’re so gullible?) is COMPLETE BULLSHIT! Bernie implying that I’m DUMB certainly doesn’t represent ME!

Bernie’s anti-Palestinian stance CERTAINLY doesn’t represent ME!

Bernie’s refusal to address the DNC Primary Theft that his loyal supporters experienced CERTAINLY doesn’t represent ME!

His party (and it IS his party despite the phony [I] after his name) disenfranchised 100s of thousands of registered voters, in state after state and Bernie had not a word of complaint - even though there was ample evidence to prove felonies were committed. How does that represent ME?

Bernie’s loyalty to a corrupt party that committed crimes to cheat him, in NO WAY represents ME!

Bernie proposing preposterous bills (that don’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of passing), just to look good to his followers does NOT represent ME!

Bernie campaigning for both Clintons every time they ran for office certainly does NOT represent ME!

Bernie recently letting 15 right wing judges get confirmed with Lifetime Appointments to the Federal Bench (so he and his buddies in Congress could go home for Labor Day Weekend), in a “batch” session, (some by a simple hand vote), rather than each judge’s record being reviewed individually, when all it would have taken was ONE SENATOR to stop the entire process, shows how Bernie really rolls.

His lack of the courage to stand up and refuse to allow this sham to go down is not what I want from my representatives. His non-action in stopping this travesty will set the Federal Bench back decades, as these were LIFETIME APPOINTMENTS!

Congratulations, Bernie. You helped Trump seat more judges to the Federal Bench than any other President in history, at this point in their first term.

By refusing to speak for the people, Bernie once again proved that he CERTAINLY doesn’t represent ME!

One needs to look at a man’s voting record, and try to intuit their intentions, rather than fall for their flowery rhetoric.

If Bernie represented me he wouldn’t take money from Raytheon.

If Bernie represented me he wouldn’t have been the politician who took more money than anyone else from the MIC in 2016.

If Bernie represented me he wouldn’t be BFFs with Wall Street’s favorite son, slimeball Chuck Schumer.

If Bernie represented me he wouldn’t have endorsed an anti-abortionist.

If Bernie represented me he wouldn’t have endorsed Bill DeBlasio when there were two Our Revolution candidates in the race.

If Bernie represented me he wouldn’t talk shit about third parties, and warn his cult about the “dangers of voting third parties” - a position he used to strongly support earlier on in his career.

If Bernie represented me he wouldn’t have endorsed and begged me to support a lying, cheating, felony-committing treasonous snake like Hillary Clinton. Ever.

If Bernie represented me he wouldn’t have taken the position of Outreach Coordinator for an opposing party (saying he actually IS an Independent, the Dems would be an opposing party).

If Bernie represented me he wouldn’t have gone on that dumbass Unity Tour with Tom Perez.

If Bernie represented me he wouldn’t have bailed on his delegates after he conceded, refusing to even address them - (probably because he would have had to face their justifiable rage).

If Bernie represented me he would have gone to Standing Rock (Jill did. So did Tulsi).

If Bernie represented me he would have had something good to say in favor of Occupy, BLM, Manning, Snowden, Wikileaks and Assange.

If Bernie represented me he wouldn’t have ignored Jill Stein’s offer to run as a Green, HE WOULD HAVE RUN AS A GREEN.

If Bernie represented me he would at least have had the common courtesy to return Jill’s emails, texts or phone calls.

So, please, tell me in what ways DOES Bernie “represent me”?
