#conversation hearts

A batch of Valentine’s I did back in February! A batch of Valentine’s I did back in February! A batch of Valentine’s I did back in February! 

A batch of Valentine’s I did back in February! 

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These sweethearts always remind me of eating chalk, which isn’t thrilling for me, but I respec

These sweethearts always remind me of eating chalk, which isn’t thrilling for me, but I respect that some people like them, and perhaps they are getting something out of them that I’m missing. Cinnamon hearts, while exciting, tend to scald my mouth with their sugary fieriness; my sense of taste is just too sensitive for them. I very much prefer all the discounted chocolate that is around at this time of year, but only if it has high cocoa content, because I like it to be more bitter, not too milky and sweet. Sweets aren’t for everyone! People have different tastes, different things that make them happy, and that’s all fine. In fact, it’s awesome. Same goes for relationships, whatever flavour they might be, whomever they are with. It took me a while to realize that I can celebrate whatever kind of love I damn well please on the 14th, and that is exactly what I am doing.

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