#conversation reblog










That’s a new code which is valid til the 30th of November. It’s supposed to give you quest packs at least until Gondor, usable once per account.

Bringing this back because it’s only til tomorrow!

If you’re thinking about starting Lord of the Rings Online or didn’t use the code so far, do it now!

??? O.O… there’s a lord of the rings online?

For a long time already - I’m playing it for like 9 years.

Amazing game, I can highly recommend it^^

Is it like that pirates of the Caribbean game? or Age of Empires? 

I don’t know either of those games.

Brief summary: Lord of the Rings Online is a MMORPG. You choose a race (among others Dwarf, a second kind of Dwarf, Hobbit, Elf, High Elf, Human, Beorninger) and a race (like Ranger, 2 kinds of magicians, close-range fighters, thief and more) and create a character.

With your character, you visit many known places in Middle-earth (the Shire, Breeland, Troll Shaws, Angmar, Moria, Lothlorien, Rohan, Gondor, Mordor to name a couple) during the time of the Ring War. You meet many well-known characters, including the Fellowship, Elrond, Glorfindel, Arwen, Galadriel and so on. 

You do quests and accompany the Fellowship during their adventures, but also have adventures separate from them. It contains lots of book content that didn’t make it into the movies and its story arcs are super interesting.

The code I mentioned above unlocks the side-quests of many areas because starting at a certain point, you have to buy the areas in order to be able to play its content and about 8 areas or something like that can be bought insanely cheap. Like they’re usually several hundred or 1000 - 2000 Lord of the Rings points (currency you can buy for real money) and with the code you get them for 99 points.

In short - I can highly recommend the game and if you want to test it, I’d suggest do it quickly because the code can only be used today and tomorrow.

Right!!! Okay not sure how I’d go playing that it sounds so fun and epic but like I’m getting Raj and Howard online gaming vibes? From Big Bang Theory 

Once again no idea since I never watched Big Bang Theory^^

Howeverhere’s the link to the official page of Lord of the Rings Online. You also find lots of further information about the game there^^you need to create an account on the page and download the game to your computer.

Once it’s installed and you start the game for the first time, it’ll download updates which can take a couple hours, depending on the speed of your computer and your wifi. So I’d suggest do it while you don’t really need the computer.







That’s a new code which is valid til the 30th of November. It’s supposed to give you quest packs at least until Gondor, usable once per account.

Bringing this back because it’s only til tomorrow!

If you’re thinking about starting Lord of the Rings Online or didn’t use the code so far, do it now!

??? O.O… there’s a lord of the rings online?

For a long time already - I’m playing it for like 9 years.

Amazing game, I can highly recommend it^^

Is it like that pirates of the Caribbean game? or Age of Empires? 

I don’t know either of those games.

Brief summary: Lord of the Rings Online is a MMORPG. You choose a race (among others Dwarf, a second kind of Dwarf, Hobbit, Elf, High Elf, Human, Beorninger) and a race (like Ranger, 2 kinds of magicians, close-range fighters, thief and more) and create a character.

With your character, you visit many known places in Middle-earth (the Shire, Breeland, Troll Shaws, Angmar, Moria, Lothlorien, Rohan, Gondor, Mordor to name a couple) during the time of the Ring War. You meet many well-known characters, including the Fellowship, Elrond, Glorfindel, Arwen, Galadriel and so on. 

You do quests and accompany the Fellowship during their adventures, but also have adventures separate from them. It contains lots of book content that didn’t make it into the movies and its story arcs are super interesting.

The code I mentioned above unlocks the side-quests of many areas because starting at a certain point, you have to buy the areas in order to be able to play its content and about 8 areas or something like that can be bought insanely cheap. Like they’re usually several hundred or 1000 - 2000 Lord of the Rings points (currency you can buy for real money) and with the code you get them for 99 points.

In short - I can highly recommend the game and if you want to test it, I’d suggest do it quickly because the code can only be used today and tomorrow.





That’s a new code which is valid til the 30th of November. It’s supposed to give you quest packs at least until Gondor, usable once per account.

Bringing this back because it’s only til tomorrow!

If you’re thinking about starting Lord of the Rings Online or didn’t use the code so far, do it now!

??? O.O… there’s a lord of the rings online?

For a long time already - I’m playing it for like 9 years.

Amazing game, I can highly recommend it^^






I’ve been super excited about it, I saw the table of content on Tumblr and that was already incredibly interesting!

Let me know if it’s any good! <3

Will do! I got to read a couple pages during lunch break so far and it’s interesting. About time units in general and how Elves age^^




I’ve been super excited about it, I saw the table of content on Tumblr and that was already incredibly interesting!
