#coping with the loss of the megumi nendroid


Kaedehara Kazuha x gn!Reader

A/N:this piece made me really soft,, i’m coping with the loss of the megumi nendroid selling out so fast… anyways, please enjoy <3

warnings:drinking, pure fluff


word count: 1.6k

summary:After a long voyage, the only way the Crux Fleet knows how to celebrate their return is with a big party. Kazuha seems to have his own agenda for the night, however.

Bonus/Pt. 2

It was no secret that the Crux Fleet loved a good party.

Anytime the rambunctious crew of the Alcor had a successful voyage, they made sure to celebrate it properly. Their previous trip had been especially bountiful. They had managed to overfill multiple crates with valuable gems and artifacts; loot that would surely make a grand profit for the fleet. The only way to adequately welcome them home and acknowledge their victories was by holding their traditional three-day long celebratory banquet.

The tame docking square of Liyue harbor was quite the sight to behold during the banquet. It was transformed into a lively place with fragrant food stalls lining the area and tons of citizens and crew members enjoying the Wanmin Restaurant’s catering. Live music constantly filled the air, whether it was Xinyan’s famous rock or a small acoustic band. People danced all through the square and chatted with each other. The boisterous energy of the Crux Fleet seemed to be contagious all around, fueling the spirit of the banquet goers. It was either that or the copious amounts of alcohol available to the public.

I couldn’t help but laugh as I watched my crewmates enjoy the party. They acted like children on a sugar-high, running around and dancing with each other. An arm-wrestling tournament had somehow formed in the corner of the square, Beidou of course holding the title of “undefeated arm-wrestling champion.” This didn’t discourage any of the burlier men, however. They only laughed at their defeat and declared a rematch against the battle ship captain.

A small group of the more reserved crew members had settled down on the other side of the platform and fell into casual conversation. I hung on the outskirts of this group, leaning against the balustrade and nursing a cup of alcohol. It made me happy to watch all of my friends relaxing and enjoying the well-deserved banquet held just for them. The change of pace was needed after the arduous trip we all had just returned from.

I sighed deeply, resting my muscles and letting the sound of music and idle chatter fill my ears. A new presence next to me caused me to turn my head.

Kazuha had found his way to my side while I was distracted by the party. He looked at me with his kind eyes and tender smile. I noticed his cheeks held a bit more color than usual, the culprit most likely being the cup of alcohol he also held. In all honesty, I would be more surprised if there was someone who wasn’tdrinking at this banquet.

“Didn’t feel like arm-wrestling with Beidou?” I asked with a chuckle.

“Mm, can’t quite say I wanted to break an arm tonight,” he joked back. I loved when Kazuha was in the mood to joke around with me—his sarcastic side always managed to light a fire in my stomach. It was impossible not to feel excited.

I sent my gaze back out towards the banquet’s crowd. “You don’t usually hang around for these types of things. Something special about tonight?” I wasn’t complaining about his presence. If anything, I hoped he would stay as long as possible. It was good for him to be social every once and a while, especially when we were cramped up on the Alcor for so long.

“Not in particular. It’s a beautiful night beside the water, and the air is warm and comforting,” Kazuha mused. “I also happened to be in the mood for a drink.” He always did say he enjoyed a cup of wine late at night.

“Well, this certainly is the place to find one.” I took a sip from my own drink. “Are you glad to be back on land for a bit? I know that trip definitely took a lot out of me. It seems to have been worth it, though.” I was exhausted from all of the fighting out at sea, but this banquet had eased my mind greatly.

Kazuha hummed. “Aren’t we all glad? The ocean has its moments, but the scenery grows familiar rather quickly. Fish was also becoming quite tiresome…” he trailed off. It wasn’t often he complained to me. The alcohol must have loosened him up more than I realized. I gave him an understanding smile.

“You did good out there, Kazuha. We definitely wouldn’t have brought so much treasure back if it wasn’t for you. You worked hard, so enjoy yourself for a bit.”

He paused to stare at me through heavy eyes, then looked away contemplatively. “You know, I might just have to.”

I was a bit confused at his response but brushed it off. The two of us continued to talk and laugh about various things—recounting stories of our fights out at sea and the stupid stuff our crewmates did while drunk. I wouldn’t have wanted to spend the night relaxing with anyone else but Kazuha.

There was something about the time that we spent together that was just so…unique. No one else made me feel the same way he did. Whenever he was with me, I couldn’t help but give him my undivided attention. I wanted him to notice how completely invested I was in his words—in him and his entirety. I wanted him to be interested in me in the same way.

The live musicians played various songs until a slower ballad arrived. The shift in the atmosphere was nearly unrecognizable. People carried on talking and drinking as usual. Only a handful of couples had decided to dance together in the docking square to the music.

Kazuha’s attention had been drawn to these dancers. They swayed together to the rhythm, spinning and stepping with their partners. I almost felt sleepy watching them move.

The samurai next to me rested his drink on the railing behind us and blocked my vision with his body, breaking the trance the dancers held on me. He looked into my eyes with determination and the hint of something else I couldn’t quite place.

“You told me to enjoy myself tonight, so,” Kazuha said, holding his hand out to me. “Come dance with me.”

I felt my cheeks flare red.

“Dance with you?” I laughed out, surprised. “You’re drunk. Since when do you dance, anyways?” He only looked at me with a mischievous smirk.

“Since now. Now, come on. Before the song ends.”

I was left stuttering as Kazuha grabbed my hand, pulling me out into the middle of the square with him. Once he was satisfied with the spot he found, he turned towards me. I could feel the curious stares of the Crux Fleet on us as Kazuha set his hands on my hips.

“W-wait, Kazuha! I don’t even know how to dance,” I tried complaining. I thought I was going to die from embarrassment.

“It’s not that hard to pick up on. I had to learn these types of things as the heir of my clan. It seems that now is the time they will finally come in useful,” he smiled. “Just trust me to guide you.”

With those comforting words, Kazuha removed his hands from my waist and slid them down my arms, wrapping them in my own hands. They were warm and soft, except for a few callouses here and there. He lifted my hands up to his shoulders, causing our chests to move closer together, then returned his hands back to my sides. This position was the most intimate I’ve ever been with Kazuha. My head began to spin.

There was nowhere left to look but directly at him. His entire body filled my vision and consumed my senses. It would have been overwhelming if he wasn’t giving me such a loving look.

His expression calmed me down. It was understanding and patient, waiting for me to adjust to the situation before making any other moves. I decided to trust his words and follow his lead.

Kazuha got the hint and slowly began to sway with the music, lightly pushing my hips side to side with each motion. Next, he began to move his feet, stepping slightly. After some time, I finally caught on and we fell into a comfortable slow dance together. When I was no longer distracted with learning how to dance, I plopped my face into his shoulder embarrassedly.

“The crew isn’t gonna let us live this down, you know.”

Kazuha just laughed.

“Perhaps. It’s your fault for telling me to enjoy myself, though. You’ve only brought about your own downfall.” I could hear his grin and couldn’t stop one from breaking out on my face as well.

“You’re such a dork,” I laughed, closing the distance between our bodies. My head rested on his shoulder, the remainder of my body pressed flush against his own. I felt Kazuha’s hands hug behind my back.

No one could hear us talk due to the volume of the music and our distance away from everyone else. We just kept dancing together, letting the song guide us.



“I really like you, you know.”

I tensed for a second, surprised by his confession, before goofily smiling into his shoulder.

“Oh, is that so?”

Kazuha pinched my side lightly, making me laugh and flinch away. “Come on, I’m serious,” he chuckled.

I lifted my head from his shoulder so I could face him directly. His cheeks were a rosy pink and a soft smile graced his features.

“Well, Kazuha, I really like you, too.”

His toothy smile grew. Kazuha shut his eyes and bumped his forehead against mine as he let out the most angelic laugh I’ve ever heard. Nothing more needed to be said between the two of us. All we could think about was each other, completely oblivious to the world around us; the distant groans and cheers of crew members passing around their betting money also went unnoticed. Kazuha and I were so focused on each other that we didn’t even realize the slow song had already ended quite some time ago.
