
Coral Sorghum seed is available again! @saharchphoto was visiting the day we harvested it and took t

Coral Sorghum seed is available again! @saharchphoto was visiting the day we harvested it and took these beautiful photos. This row was an impressive presence on our farm this year.

Here’s the description from our seed catalog:
Coral is a tall, beautiful, versitile sorghum! Pop the seeds like popcorn, boil them as a grain, or press them into a sweet syrup and for making mollasses. Coral Sorghum stands 10 feet tall and is braced well by branching roots with twice the strength of corn.

This delicious, all-purpose variety was gathered in Malakal, South Sudan, where many battles between the Sudan’s People’s Liberation Army and the Nuer White Army have been fought in the last few years. As part of their work to preserve endangered varieties from areas experiencing turmoil due to war and climate change, the Experimental Farm Network @experimentalfarmnetwork requested the seed from the USDA and shared with their network of growers across the US. While it has grown well in New York and Washington states, it tends to take a long season to mature, and should be planted as early as possible after the last danger of frost.

#coralsorghum #sorghumbicolor #seedkeeping #seedsaving

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