
A spawning star coral in Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary.
Gamete release by Symmetrical Brain Coral (Pseudodiploria strigosa) during spawning.
Polyps of Boulder Star Coral (Orbicella franksi) releasing egg and sperm bundles during spawning.
Coral gametes floating on the surface of the ocean.

The spirit of exploration is what draws us to visit places off the beaten path—it’s what keeps us asking and seeking answers to new questions—further invigorating our curiosity. Through the end of June, we’ll be diving into how exploration and research help us understand and manage threats to sanctuary resources.

This first feature showcases the fantastic mass coral spawning displays that occur every August in Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary, and how studies in the sanctuary offer valuable information about coral reef health in other parts of the tropical West Atlantic where coral restoration efforts are underway.

Read it here: https://sanctuaries.noaa.gov/news/may22/explore-spectacular/10-discoveries.html
