

Operation Save Lola’s eye continues. I’m so completely exhausted from the last 48 hours of hourly eye treatments. And today was our follow up exam with the Ophthalmologist. With traffic and another fresh 2 inches snow on the ground, the drive takes about 50 minutes to get there. Good news is that her eye has not ruptured yet. Bad news is the cornea is still pretty liquified and there’s still a visible desmetocele, meaning there’s just a very thin basement layer of the cornea between the inside of her eye and rupturing. It’s scary as heck.
But our efforts have gained us a little ground, enough for the Ophthalmologist to be more confident in saying this may actually heal with medical treatment alone. i.e. treating it every hour around the clock vs. surgical intervention. Normally they would recheck this every 48 hrs but since that’s hitting Friday, Christmas Eve, we’re rechecking it in 5 days instead.
And the hourly eye treatments around the clock continue on. A Conjunctival Flap surgery is still not entirely off the list but the larger the flap the more it will interfere with vision.
My priority in this is limiting Lola’s pain and suffering by saving her eye. If we have to move forward with a flap, some degree of vision will be sacrificed, but it will get her out of pain quicker, keep the eye from rupturing, and avoid very painful surgeries like total eye removal.

I was very fortunate to get today off from work but tomorrow I’ll need to go in. Which is going to be very hard, I’m so tired, but then I’ll have 6 days off to take care of Lola at home.

We’re hoping for a Christmas miracle, one in which Lola gets to keep both her eye and her vision ♥️
#EnglishBullDog #WrinkleLoaf #MeltingCornealUlcer #CornealUlcer
