#coronavirus india

Herbert Baker | Primera propuesta para el Parlamento Nacional | Nueva Delhi, India | 1912

Herbert Baker | Primera propuesta para el Parlamento Nacional | Nueva Delhi, India | 1912

Post link






So, India is dying.

Look, I know a good number of you are from the US and things aren’t amazing there either, but my country is literally on the brink of collapse. So I’d love it if we could talk about that for a minute.

If you can’t do anything else, please just read and reblog.

Keep reading

To put things in perspective,

1 USD = 75.22 Indian rupees

1 euro = 90.99 Indian rupees

1 pound = 104.40 Indian rupees

Even a small amount of 5 or 7 or 10 of foreign currency will help a lot. Our government has essentially abandoned us. People have turned to social media for help. WhatsApp groups and DMs on twitter/insta is where we find help. Our helpline is a Google doc. Situation is so dire that hospitals are discharging patients due to lack of oxygen. Every night the same story, oxygen running out in hospitals, citizens running around to somehow arrange for oxygen with minutes to spare. Last night, we had manged to get oxygen to a hospital with 14min to spare.

Please, PLEASE help.


^ that post has links to petitions and donations PLEASE boost the versions of this post with links!!

Reblogging with more links. Listen to @groundzero-and-deku ☝️ they know what they’re talking about.

Some of you in the US have asked what else you can do. I’m not the best person to answer this since I’m not from there, but I do know that Biden is being urged to ship supplies to India. Maybe a more informed person can chime in with how best you can help but calling your representative and registering your concern sounds like a good starting point.

From one democracy to another, thank you. Please keep this going, you’re all amazing.

Reblogging one more time

EDIT: Reblogging with donation and resource links all in one place:

Here’s a great post with links to petitions in the US and UK and a list of active charities and donation centres in India

And some more donation links from @spacegirlstuff


Some more posts with links, resources, and ways to help collected by @groundzero-and-deku who is doing the absolute most:


A few more NGOs that are helping:

Habitat for Humanity India

Oxfam India

Give India

Uday Foundation


Not every listed charity has the infrastructure to accept international donations, so please be sure to check this list which has specific information about charities that can and are accepting international donations.

Also re-adding the link to the give2asia charitable foundation for those who don’t want to go through the whole post.

One more comprehensive resource link here

And another one with many more NGOs, resources for oxygen and plasma, and other info

Y'all, this is a good time to mention that I am not affiliated with any charity or donation centerandam not receiving donations on behalf of anyone.

This is a list of resources compiled partly by me and more importantly, by other people who have a better grasp on the situation than myself.

They are to the best of our knowledge great resources but I still encourage you to do your research and put your money where you believe it will be used best.

If you find more ways to help or donate, add them in a reblog - let’s get as much information out there as possible.

Much love and please stay safe

