#corporate au


Last doodle for my Corporate AU idea! I’d like to think these two have two very different relationship dynamic depending on if they’re at the office or in civilian form (or in Lady’s case, when she’s in her Dark Ruby persona).

Despite what my brain would like to goad me to do, I currently have no plans to write this AU; I just have too many other ideas that are all clamoring for my time and attention. If I tried to write them all, none of them will ever finish, and in the famous words of my other fandom, “a story with no ending is a tragedy”.

Part 3 of my ideas dump for my Corporate AU. I honest to god have no idea what kind of drama I want to have between Mamoru and Usagi, but I figure throwing Diamond’s name in term would work for good measure. I also have more head!canon for the Trio, namely in addition to Fish Eye being a dancer, Tiger Eye is an aspiring model and Hawk Eye is a DJ. I also envision the Quartet would own the burlesque club that Lady and Fish Eye works at but I didn’t have the energy to draw them :p

Here’s my Lady profile for the Corporate AU. Her being a part-time burlesque dancer creates another layer of drama (in addition to her supervisor/report relationship with Helios) in the form of potential gossip and scandal. I’m pretty happy with how her burlesque outfit came out, being a combo of Black Lady’s outfit and Princess Lady Serenity outfit ☺️

”One Salary Man”I like the idea of a corporate AU where Saitama is an under-appreciated boss and Gen

”One Salary Man”

I like the idea of a corporate AU where Saitama is an under-appreciated boss and Genos is a new employee. No one who works with Saitama can understand how he was hired cause he so bland but he’s actually a hard worker

I will draw more of this because cactus tie

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