#costumes by irene


One Dress a Week Challenge

May: Gold & Silver

The Barkleys of Broadway / Ginger Rogers as Dinah Barkley

I just found out that The Barkleys of Broadway opened on on May 4, 1949, so that makes this dress extra-appropriate for today! Ginger wears this gold lame dress in the opening sequence. Unfortunately, it’s hard to get a good look at it in action because the opening credits appear over this number. Fortunately, you can see a version without the text in That’s Entertainment III (video below).

I’m fascinated by the way the skirt moves! I’m wondering if it might be a little weighted because of the way it twists into those bubble or trumpet shapes.

I also note that the jewelry is a little different between the publicity shots and the screencaps from the movie itself. The screen versions of the choker and bracelet are wider and more open. (Fred also goes from black tie in the publicity shots to white tie in the movie.)
