



Relationship:Nine x Rose

Summary: The Doctor and Rose discuss sartorial preferences while watching Indiana Jones. Predictably, the discussion becomes very…heated.

Notes: Hello shiny people! I’m back after a few weeks break since finishing my last (lengthy) fic. This time we have something light, fluffy, silly and short (and NINE). I blame @aintfraidanoghosts entirely for this fic because she begged me to write it when this crazy nonsense popped into my head while watching Raiders of the Lost Ark a while ago. So really, IT IS ALL HER FAULT that I ended up writing this on a Monday morning when I was supposed to be working. So….yeah this fic is for her. No beta, all mistakes are mine. I hope you enjoy and please don’t kill me for this silliness!

Also on A03andTeaspoon.


“You’ve got to be jokin’.

“Wha’?” Rose said, eyes glued to the screen as the Doctor plopped onto the sofa beside her. 

“How can you watch this rubbish, Rose?”

“What’s wrong with it? ‘S Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark!” she said indignantly, blindly reaching for another handful of popcorn.

“He’s traipsing about the jungle in a leather jacket!” The Doctor offered her the bowl. “Who does that, then?”

Rose choked. “‘Scuse me?”

“Nobody wears a leather jacket in the jungle on the way to liberate Aztec artefacts from a glorified seesaw!”

“Say what?”

 “You heard me. This director is barking, Harrison Ford or no Harrison Ford. Raiders of the Lost Ark, indeed. Nutters of the Lost Ark, more like it!”

Rose turned to stare at him. “You did not just say that.”

“Did so!” He raised his eyebrows smugly. “What of it?”

“You did not just say that nobody- Doctor, you wear a leather jacket in the jungle!” She shook her head disbelievingly. “You do it all the time!”

“Well…that’s different.” The Time Lord shifted uncomfortably and set the bowl on the table in front of them.

“You also wore a leather jacket in the snow and in the desert and to the beach and my cousin Robbie’s weddin’!”

“‘S not the same thing !” The Doctor folded his arms, leather jacket creaking.  

“Why not?” Rose silently thanked the TARDIS for pausing the movie for her. “He’s wearin’ a leather jacket in the jungle, you wear a jacket in the jungle. You wore a leather jacket in the Plentimen jungle just last week!”

“‘M not sayin’ there’s sommat wrong with leather, Rose!” He scowled. “Happen to like leather, me. ‘M just saying leather isn’t appropriate for his…activities! ‘S just daft for a human to wear leather in a hot, humid jungle! You overheat at the drop of a hat, you lot!”

She smirked, suddenly understanding the cause of his little outburst. “Oh please, don’t start that whole ‘Time Lord biology’ bit again.” She rolled her eyes and turned back to the movie, sending another wave of gratitude to the TARDIS for restarting at just the right time, receiving a pleased hum in return. “Just admit you’re jealous of Harrison Ford and move on, Doctor.”

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Rating: Teen

Relationship: Ten x Rose

Summary: A post-GITF sick-fic UA. What if Rose had come away with more than nightmares after her run-in with the clockwork droids? What if her trust in the Doctor had been so fractured that she’d been afraid to tell him? And what if that broken trust might just lead to a dangerous situation for Rose? Will the Doctor be able fix it in time? Note: Trigger warning for non-explicit DV, self-loathing, PTSD, medical emergency.

Notes:  Helloooooo shiny people! I can’t believe we’re finally here- THE EPILOGUE! The very final chapter of this fic, which was written for the @doctor-rose-events​ classic tropes event. Thank you all for coming on this crazy ride with me- I couldn’t have done it without you and you’re all fabulous.<3
I hope this brief look at a very different future with Rose and the Doctor (I couldn’t help kicking Doomsday in the bum, repeatedly) will leave us all in a good place, and with hope going forward. There’s ALWAYS hope, and no one is broken beyond repair. To that end, I’ll be posting a non-fic chapter in the next day or two with a list of trauma, counselling and DV resources that my wonderful people around the world have sent me. Keep an eye out for that in the next few days.I hope that you’ve all enjoyed this story, and I have to give a big shoutout to everyone who has encouraged me and left comments, the ladies on Fangirlia who have listened to me whine and complain incessantly, Aintafraidanoghosts for listening to me whine on chat EVERY SINGLE DAY, and finally, @rose–nebula​, without whom I could not have done this. She’s beta’d every chapter, every week, no matter what crazy time of day or night I’ve sent them, and supported me emotionally and mentally when I was ready to fling a chapter into the abyss or set it on fire. I could not have done this without you, my dear. Thank you more than I can say <3 <3 <3 All mistakes are mine, and of course all recognisable dialogue from the episode belongs to one Mr RTD. I hope you enjoy!

Also on:    A03    |   Teaspoon

Tumblr:  Chapter 1 |  Chapter 2 |  Chapter 3|Chapter 4 |Chapter 5|Chapter 6|Chapter 7 |Chapter 8 |  Chapter 9 |  Chapter 10|Chapter 11|Chapter 12 |Chapter 13



“Jack! Thank God. Are you in Cardiff?” Rose clutched the mobile to her ear, watching in disbelief as the Doctor smacked the TARDIS console with a mallet. 

“Rosie! Yeah, Mickey and I are at headquarters. Why? Is everything OK?”

The TARDIS jolted. 

“Behave!” the Doctor snapped, scowling at the console. 

“Oh my…hold on Jack- Doctor, stop smacking her!” Rose snapped. “Have you lost your mind?”

“She won’t do it, Rose! She’s resisting!”

“Rose?” Jack’s tone was suddenly sharp, all semblance of relaxed chit-chat gone. “What’s going on?”

“We’re flying down the highway, chasing a taxi driven by a robot santa, that’s what’s goin’ on!”

“What? What highway? Where are you?”

“London.” Rose took over holding down various knobs from the Doctor as he inched closer to the door.  “Specifically, chasin’ a woman in a weddin’ dress to Chiswick, or wherever this robot is takin’ her.” She closed her eyes and ignored Donna’s screeched “Oh, you are kidding me!” as the TARDIS scraped the road beside the taxi, the bump almost knocking Rose off her feet. 

“Rose? What the hell is happening?”

“You’ve got to jump!” the Doctor shouted, almost hanging out of the doorway.

“Who’s jumping?” Jack demanded.

“It’ll take too long to explain! Look, I need you to do somethin’ for me Jack- quickly!”

“What do you need?”

“I need you to find out everything you can about a woman who’s booked to get married at St Mary’s Church in Chiswick today. Her name’s Donna.”

“Last name?”

“Dunno. Once you’ve got it from the church, I need you to run it on every system you have- find out everythin’ about her.”


“Because she showed up on the TARDIS while she was in mid-flight, Jack! Just appeared in the middle of the vortex!”

There was a gasp. “You’re kidding.”

“No, I’m not kiddin’! I don’t have time to kid! I need you to do it now, Jack, please!”

“On it.” She heard Jack barking orders to someone beside him to call the church, followed by the clack of a keyboard moments later. “I’ll dig up everything I can, Rosie.”

“Thanks,” she exhaled, staring in disbelief as Donna hesitated to jump out of the taxi. “Quick as you can, Jack! There’s somethin’ weird going on here.”

“Whatever that thing is, it needs you,” the Doctor pleaded with Donna, stretching out his arm. “And whatever it needs you for, it’s not good! Now, come on!”

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