#covid booster vaccines


Is there a difference between a booster shot and a third dose of the COVID-19 vaccines?

Yes! A booster shot is an additional dose of a vaccine for people who built protection from vaccination, but whose protection may have decreased over time. Booster shots are currently only available for people who have received the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine at least 6 months ago.

A third dose is recommended for people who have a condition or are taking medications or treatments that moderately or severely weakens their immune system. Third doses are currently available for people who received either the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine.

The following groups who received the Pfizer vaccine at least 6 months ago are eligible for a booster shot:
✅People 65 or older
✅People 18 to 64 who live in a nursing home or other long-term care facility
✅People 18 to 64 who have an underlying medical condition that increases their risk for severe COVID-19
✅People 18 to 64 who are at increased risk of COVID-19 exposure due to their job (for example, health care workers) or where they live or frequently visit (for example, a homeless shelter)

People who are 12 years of age or older, have a condition or are taking medications or treatments that moderately or severely weakens their immune system, and received either the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine are eligible for a third dose. Conditions and treatments may include:
✅Active treatment for cancer
✅Received an organ transplant and are taking immunosuppressive therapy
✅Received a stem cell transplant within the past two years
✅Moderate or severe primary immunodeficiency
✅Advanced or untreated HIV
✅Active treatment with a high dose of corticosteroids or other drugs that moderately or severely weaken your immune system

To learn more or to find a COVID-19 vaccine near you, visit vaccinefinder.nyc.gov or call 877-VAX-4NYC (877-829-4692).
