
☕️ The best part of waking up is Phenomenal Gems Morning Live! We have a great set of lives over the

☕️ The best part of waking up is Phenomenal Gems Morning Live! We have a great set of lives over the next week, and it all starts with our first morning live on Friday 7/16! We will be up early with Table 1 of 3, in Covid Home Gem Show Group on Facebook, and it starts at 9 am MST. Grab a coffee with us and browse some amazing minerals from around the world! Giveaway will be announced later today, so keep an eye out. ☕️ Can’t make it in the morning? Don’t worry—we will be live with Table 2 @phenomenalgems on Instagram on Monday 7/19, at 7 pm MST. Freebies and giveaways are unique to each table, so you won’t want to miss out! ☕️ #livesale #phenomenalgemslive #morningmotivation #thebestpartofwakingup #startthedayright #crystalsinthemorning #morningminerals #phenomenalgems #covidhomegemshow

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