#cowboy fucking bebop





English trailer for Super Robot Wars T.

I kind of figured they were going to, considering the last few games were also in English, but it’s nice to get confirmation.

Those series debuts were absolute megatons, loving the this trend of including spaceship based series and seeing the long requested Magic Knight Rayearth finally get in was amazing.

The fact that Rayearth is in is fucking crazy. It was one of those series where everyone had just given up on it ever getting into something like SRW since CLAMP pretty much said so.

ALL of the newcomers are just that; they’re megatons. Expelled From Paradise is kinda surprising, then fucking Cowboy Bebop shows up making me like “okay this must be the weird ship-only inclusion this time” but then ARCADIA OF MY YOUTH with motherfucking CAPTAIN HARLOCK drops and makes me freak the fuck out.

THEN Rayearth drops. This one isn’t fucking around.
