


Unicorn requested a lil Ritz and Percy Fluff. So here’s a buttercup and his loverboy.


Runaway Bandit

An unfamiliar laugh escaped his chest, one full of joy and unbridled happiness. His laughter carried like an excited squeal as he ran through the dusty grass. The deeper parts of the sand made his running lopsided and slow, an easy target. A familiar wobbly pounding of hooves followed, closing in.

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Unicorn requested a lil Ritz and Percy Fluff. So here’s a buttercup and his loverboy.


Runaway Bandit

An unfamiliar laugh escaped his chest, one full of joy and unbridled happiness. His laughter carried like an excited squeal as he ran through the dusty grass. The deeper parts of the sand made his running lopsided and slow, an easy target. A familiar wobbly pounding of hooves followed, closing in.

Just as he thought he managed his escape, a rope sailed over his head, the loop landing around his waist and clinching tight. It stopped him on his tracks, sending him down, face first into the sand.

He rolled onto his side and looked up at the figure who caught him, a friendly smile on the man’s tanned and freckled face.

“Looks like I caught myself a bandit, ya tryin ta take my cattle?” Percy asked, his smile widening.

Ritz laughed as he felt his lover roll him onto his back and straddle his waist. The blonde’s hair gave Percy a golden glow in the late day sun, he’d never looked more handsome.

“Ah, ya caught me ranch man. What’re ya gonna do ta me?” He asked.

“Y'know I was thinkin bout…. Maybe catchin ya”

“Ya caught me” Ritz interrupted.

“Right, and then I was thinkin,, I’d take ya far from here and marry ya. Keep ya to myself.” Percy hummed as he gently twirled Ritz’s curls in his fingers.

“Y'know ya drive a hard bargain… but ah’ll take ya up on that offer.” Ritz said with a smile.

“I had a feelin ya would… but for now, I wanna kiss those dusty lips.” Percy murmured as he leaned in.

“Take my breath, lover boy.”

Percy smiled, after a moment he kissed him, a light gritty taste as they melted into the moment.
