#cozy cat

Season’s greetings to you all! I painted my partner’s kitty Tobs getting cozy for my card this year Season’s greetings to you all! I painted my partner’s kitty Tobs getting cozy for my card this year Season’s greetings to you all! I painted my partner’s kitty Tobs getting cozy for my card this year

Season’s greetings to you all! I painted my partner’s kitty Tobs getting cozy for my card this year (and he’s sleeping under my legs at this very moment). Hoping you’re all able to find comfort and safety as the year ends, and that 2021 brings us more justice and peace!

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 Catober Day 25: Cozy CatConveniently the one day that it rains and is cold is also the day that coz

Catober Day 25: Cozy Cat

Conveniently the one day that it rains and is cold is also the day that cozy cat was the prompt


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