#cr liveblog



Oh good, the captions are back this week on the YouTube stream!

Travis has never rolled so well in his entire goddamn life this is insane

They are going to move THE ENTIRE CITY? I feel like this is a very bad idea

WAIT WAIT is she trying to bring back evandrin? Like actually trying to be a god?

Laerryn’s project feels exactly like wizard reaching too high and creatung a catastrophe instead

What uf whatever laerryn and nydas are doing is part of the reason calamity happened? Like not the main reason but a smaller one in the background?

I love cerrit’s son! He’s so cute I should not get attached to any of them but I already have


so Cerrit’s children, huh


Shoutout to Aabria for causing the calamity. This isn’t a joke, this isn’t sarcastic, I mean literally. It takes some fucking balls to be the one to do it. We all know this is the calamity game, and someone has to fuck up really, really bad. And I mean, everyone sort of has to fuck up really, really bad. But, no matter what everyone else does, there is someone who has to push the big red button, even if they know what it’s gonna do. And that is so hard. So to actually be the one to do that, to take the bad choice, especially when you’re doing a show that broadcasts to a huge audience invested in this world? That is insane. It was so good, so character motivated, so well played. I loved it. 

I am literally never going to be normal about this game. Holy shit. I am going fucking insane. Someone needs to either give me a line of coke or tranquilize me I am running up the walls. Wtf this is so good.

Brennan and Travis are killing me tonight. Wingspan and Talon 2 and Egghead are going to break me.

The comforting embrace of 10 feet around Zerxus.

BRENNAN FUCKING LEE MULLIGAN -;$(-#;-++;($;+7$-)#):-

I cannot begin to state how much I respect these players. As a player, you want to get it right. You want to do it right, to win, maybe not save the day, but win. And so to know what’s happening, and that it’s going to be bad, and purposefully making the wrong decisions? Absolutely insanely good. The sheer talent. I am blown away. 


They said “calamity” but Aabria heard “calamitme” and went “Ok!” And I for one respect her so much for that. 

So much is going on I feel like I’m being repeatedly slapped in the face by an entire shovel and just when I think it’s done I have been shoved down a flight of stairs.

I. LOVE. The hubris filled mistakes everyone is making. It’s gorgeous and wonderful and I love how everyone is playing their characters to the full extent.

That was some utterly amazing combat, I want to inject that directly into my bloodstream.


Counterspell chains? Circle of death?? Exactly what I was craving from an age of arcanum game. 

Dutch ovening a bitch with her own spell??? YES. YES. 

Counterspell chains? Circle of death?? Exactly what I was craving from an age of arcanum game. 

Ring of Brass requirement: be, just, So Fucking Cool on the battlefield at every opportunity. Don’t miss an opportunity for the powerful bitch aesthetic.

Lou Wilson’s excitement makes literally everything better. Nothing gets me hyped like Lou Wilson. 

Loving Sam’s shirt of smaller sams grinning manically on a Hawaiian print background. The exact kind of mood you need for the penultimate episode of an apocalyptic tragedy miniseries. 

Pronouncing Cerrit like “carrot” as a powermove.

I love being able to see a high level adventuring party in action without watching them grow to that point. You see most live play parties grow from lower levels, at least most of the one’s I’ve seen, so it’s cool to just see them jump in at the cool fucking high level kick ass stuff. Hell yeah, get it.
