
modmad:IT’S THE START OF THE FINAL STRETCH and while we’ve crossed a lot of landmarks to get as far


IT’S THE START OF THE FINAL STRETCH and while we’ve crossed a lot of landmarks to get as far as we have now it’s more important than ever to spread the news! Give us a rocket boost and help us reach the finish line to raise money for the third volume of The Property of Hate!

TPoH is a webcomic I’ve been making for a little over ten years, and you can order volumes one and two on the fundraiser! You can read the entire story up to date here for free, and if we hit the stretch goal we will also be able to print my very first prose story, Unbecoming, illustrated by the incredible @crankyteapot!


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modmad: furiouskettle:mmmmyea RGB this story isn’t gonna go that way(characters by the lovely @modmamodmad: furiouskettle:mmmmyea RGB this story isn’t gonna go that way(characters by the lovely @modma



mmmmyea RGB this story isn’t gonna go that way

(characters by the lovely @modmad, check out their fundraiser for TPOH vol 3 and Unbecoming!)
also to avoid confusion theres no tpoh charas in unbecoming this is just a lil crossover doodle for fun

what a good decision

want to find out more about this mysterious character? read TPoH i mean HELP US HIT THE STRETCH GOAL she’s the main character of my first ever prose story and I think she’s pretty darn neat :D

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furiouskettle:Working with @modmad​​ was a delight, and it’d be amazing to see Unbecoming in print!!


Working with @modmad​​ was a delight, and it’d be amazing to see Unbecoming in print!!! (it’d also be amazing to get my hands on TPOH volume 3- there’s some pages that are gonna look amazing on paper)

We’re just over halfway there for TPOH and a little over 37% there for Unbecoming!!!


if the screenshots above intrigue you, you can read The Property of Hate for free over here!! You can also read the first few chapters of Unbecoming in their early WIP state!!! (working title was ETHEL, so look for that.)

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