#creepy shit


Carlos Luis de Ribera y Fieve

“The Frankford Slasher” is how the media christened a serial killer who operated in the

“The Frankford Slasher” is how the media christened a serial killer who operated in the Frankford neighborhood in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, between 1985 and 1990. He is suspected to have killed nine women, between the ages of 28 and 74. All were sexually assaulted and stabbed to death. All the victims were seen shortly before their disappearance with a middle-aged white man and in one description, with a round face, glasses and a limp. 

Some of the victims were seen in and around Frankford bars, especially Goldie’s, and some were believed for a time to be involved in prostitution. They were found in their apartments, under a car and in a yard. The killings escalated in brutality, including a victim who was stabbed 74 times. The killer posed as a counselor, offering advice and even renting an office in a nearby church. 

A man called Leonard Christopher was convicted for the murder of one of the alleged victims, Carol Dowd, killed in 1990. Carol was the second to last victim and during her murder’s investigation, Christopher became a suspect.

 theres are many people tho that don´t belive he is responsible: First, he doesn’t match the description. He was a 39 year old black man. Second, there was very little evidence linking him to Dowd and none to any of the other victims. Third, no motive or weapon could be offered during the trial. Furthermore, one of the alleged killings took place while Christopher was in jail (that of Michelle Dehner). They convicted him based on his false alibi and two witness’ testimonies that he had been seen with her earlier that day. He claims these testimonies were fabricated by the police.

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Serial killer Jack Unterweger was born Johann Unterweger on August 16, 1950, in Austria. Abandoned b

Serial killer Jack Unterweger was born Johann Unterweger on August 16, 1950, in Austria. Abandoned by his prostitute mother, Jack lived for seven years with an alcoholic grandfather. He turned to crime in his early teens and was first arrested at 16 for assaulting a prostitute.

In 1976, Unterweger was convicted of the murder of Margaret Schaefer and sentenced to life in prison. While in prison, he learned to read and write, eventually earning literary respect both inside and outside the prison. In 1984, his prison autobiography Fegefeuer oder die Reise ins Zuchthaus (Purgatory or the Trip to Jail - Report of a Guilty Man) (1983) became a best-seller. Convinced that he was a reformed man, the state released him on parole in 1990.

After his release, Unterweger became a literary celebrity, appearing on talk shows and booking speaking engagements. Fegefeuer was made into a feature film, and the former murderer became a journalist.

Not everyone was convinced of his transformation, however. After a string of prostitute murders matched the details of the Schaefer crime, police put Unterweger under surveillance. After several months of detective work, they had gathered enough evidence to arrest him.

In 1992, Unterweger was detained, but even then, he continued to give interviews freely, proclaiming his innocence and calling upon his colleagues for support. Despite his chatty demeanor, the evidence against him was overwhelming, and he was found guilty of nine counts of murder in 1994. Soon after sentencing, Unterweger used the string from his prison jumpsuit to hang himself.

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