#critical degrees


astrology notes: degrees basics

-a planet at 0 degrees should be thought of as the purest expression of that sign. it has just been born and hasn’t been shaped by outside influences. where you have a planet in 0 degrees really shows a powerful energy of yours and where you will be the most inventive

-a planet at 29 degrees has went through all the other degrees and has grown into what it’s learned from the other degrees to get where it is now. a planet at 29 degrees will be mature and hard-headed in their sense of right and wrong

-atthe degree your sun is at, you may have a defining moment or something important will happen at that age. for example, my sun is at 20 degrees, so i could get into a car crash, get into a serious relationship, move away, etc. when i’m 20 years old

-a pitted degree is a depression or hole in the ego of the planet. the pitted degrees vary with each of the 12 signs. these degrees can block you from figuring out your full potential dealing with the planet.  they can also symbolize misfortune

-elevated degrees are the opposite of a pitted degree. they show the high points or peaks of the planet. no matter the planet, the energy from it will turn beneficial. these degrees also vary with each sign and represent an increase in fortune

-critical degrees are the most important degrees of each modality. you may have trouble expressing this intense energy properly, but if you work through these hardships, the power that you possess with those planets will be insurmountable.

cardinal critical degrees: 0, 13, 26

fixed critical degrees: 8, 9, 21, 22

mutable critical degrees: 4, 17
