#critical role minis


With Andrew Harshman

An archive and analysis of the minis used on CR.


Fresh city, fresh player character, fresh Mats by Mars mat, and many fresh minis. Quality looking desert map we got here. Very handsome. Great place for a little dust up.

No better place to catch hell than the Hellcatch Valley, it’s time for Crit Role Miniature Rollout Campaign 3 Episode 24!

The List

  • Mats by Mars Tabletop Mat Swallowing Sand
  • Monster Fight Club Barren Hills
  • Monster Fight Club Village Well
  • Hagglethorn Hollow buildings
  • Goblin Village Premium Set Palisade Wall
  • Dwarven Forge Stone Ruins Add-On Pack
  • Dwarven Forge Mountain Peak Pack
  • Dwarven Forge Wicked City Smuggler’s Wagon
  • Mantic Games TerrainCrate Dungeon Debris Crates
  • Mantic Games TerrainCrate Military Campsite Large Tent
  • Campaign 3 Party Minis Wizkids Sculpts
  • Mythic Odysseys of Theros #20 Siona, Captain of the Pyleas
  • Volo & Mordenkainen’s Foes #15 Gnoll Pack Leader
  • Monster Menagerie 2 #010 Human Monk
  • Critical Role Clovis Concord Zhelezo
  • Rage of Demons #12 Hobgoblin Soldier
  • Pathfinder Battles Iconic Heroes Set 4 Jirelle half-elf swashbuckler
  • Waterdeep Dragon Heist #06b Merchant
  • D&D Premium Painted Figure: W4 Female Half-Orc Fighter
  • D&D Premium Painted Figure: W5 Male Elf Druid
  • Tomb of Annihilation #36 Nanny Pu'pu
  • Monster Menagerie #024 Illydia Maethellyn (Invisible)
  • MDF Stairs
  • Unidentified civilian miniature standing by wagon
  • Ruined castle corner wall
  • Assorted scatter terrain

The Party


Dusk Mythic Odysseys of Theros #20 Siona, Captain of the Pyleas
Mini images sourced from minisgallery.com

Yoooooo, Dusk is a sick name! Well played Erika Ishii. This is a good temporary miniature choice. I like the classical armor and classical strut pose, which is based directly on the Magic the Gathering card art of this character. A pretty faithful adaptation, thought for the mini they opted to give her a more practical cut of armor skirt, which I can appreciate. 

The NPCs


Dragonborn Bystander Critical Role Clovis Concord Zhelezo

Solid civilian miniature, a dragonborn bystander (also known as a dragonbornster). Weapon toting characters in peaceful poses are always useful because they can be used as chill village folk, but also as combatants. Mighty versatile. Alas, this dragonborn is orange-ish, therefore I hate it. I joke of course. Good model.

The Villains


Spellcaster D&D Premium Painted Figure: W5 Male Elf Druid

What is the significance of this druid staff design? This staff headpiece has been featured on a few Wizkids models. Though I like the spell effect and the pose is kinda cool, this mini is not quite workin’ for me. The cloak is just this blobby mass that’s tough to read from across the table. And I wish they had spent a little more time painting the right hand. That spell effect is the focal point of the model and as-is it looks pretty crummy.


Gnoll Monologer Volo & Mordenkainen’s Foes #15 Gnoll Pack Leader

“Monologue” is my new favorite command word. And Gnoll Monologer is my new favorite subclass of gnoll monster stat block. I like the 5th Edition gnoll creature design and I think this model captures that fairly well. The fidelity in the face is a little rough though, could benefit from a repaint.


Melee-er D&D Premium Painted Figure: W4 Female Half-Orc Fighter

Some highly practical female armor on display here (and an even more practical mullet). Decent model overall. But it is a very lazy half-orc model. This mini doesn’t have enough sculpt resolution to properly depict half-orc tusks and ears, so they just sorta threw some paint on to suggest those features. Also, that hairline mold line is gnarly.


Closing Thoughts

We are in for a pretty lengthy break, I’m glad we did not leave on too much of a cliffhanger. Though I’m not planning any formal coverage of ExU Calamity Minis, I may do some casual posts. Looking forward to seeing some Calamaminis.

See ya next sesh!

